Instantly Check Your CIBIL Score and Receive a Free Credit Report Online Check Now

A CIBIL score of 750 or above is generally considered ideal for a home loan. It plays a crucial role in home loan approval as it helps determine your eligibility and influences the lender's decision on the offered interest rates. A higher CIBIL score indicates a lower credit risk, increasing the likelihood of your application being approved at favourable terms.

How Does Your CIBIL Score Impact Your Home Loan Eligibility?

The CIBIL score of an individual determines the maximum home loan amount, interest rate and repayment tenure they can get. The following table shows the relation between one’s score and their chance of getting a home loan.

CIBIL Score Range

Home Loan Approval Probability


A score of 750 or above is considered ideal, increasing the likelihood of securing a home loan with favourable terms


The 650-749 range is considered to be good. It makes you eligible to get a home loan at reasonable terms


If your score falls under this range, the chances of loan approval are low but not zero. A higher interest may be levied on the loan and the tenure provided may be shorter. 


Securing a home loan with a score that falls under this range may be difficult. Try building your score prior to applying for the loan.


How to check my CIBIL score before applying for a home loan?

If you want to check your score, you can do so through the official CIBIL portal itself. You are entitled to one free CIBIL report every year. You can even check your score on Bajaj Markets.

How to get a home loan if I have a low credit score?

If you have a low score,  you can submit a proof of your additional sources of income, if any and stable employment record. You can even get a co-applicant or guarantor on board, to improve your eligibility.

Does your CIBIL score affect home loan eligibility?

Yes, the score does have a major impact on your home loan eligibility. It plays a major role in indicating your repayment ability and creditworthiness.

Can a CIBIL defaulter get a home loan?

Acquiring a home loan is possible, even for those with a default. Some lenders may assess your application favourably when supported by ample proof of your repayment capability, such as a steady income, job stability, and collateral.

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