Your credit score and credit report reflect your financial health. They provide lenders with insights into your repayment capabilities and financial status. It helps loan providers and issuers to evaluate your loan and credit applications better. Thus it is important to take certain measures and manage your credit behaviour to have a healthy credit profile. This leads to constant changes in your repayment status and outstanding dues. These must be accurately reflected in your credit report.
But, how frequently is this information updated? In India, credit scores are updated by credit bureaus like TransUnion CIBIL based on data reported by lenders. The frequency and timeliness of these updates are governed by the RBI. This ensures that accurate and up-to-date credit information is reflected in your reports. Understanding when and how updates occur can help you stay on top of your credit and make informed financial choices.
As of 2025, credit bureaus in India update credit information on a monthly basis. This means that any financial activity like loan repayments, credit card usage, or new credit inquiries, are typically reflected in your credit report within 30 days. However, effective January 1, 2025, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced a fortnightly reporting mandate.
According to this new guideline, lenders must report credit data to Credit Information Companies (CICs) twice a month, specifically on the 15th and the last day of each month. To further streamline the process, lenders are required to submit their reports within 7 days of each reporting date, and CICs must process this data within 5 calendar days.
This change, outlined in RBI’s Circular DBR.No.CID.BC.60/20.16.056/2014-15 was reinforced by a recent directive issued on August 08, 2024. It aims to enhance the timeliness and accuracy of credit data. By shortening the update cycle, borrowers will see improvements in their credit scores more quickly, encouraging responsible credit behaviour. Meanwhile, lenders will benefit from more up-to-date information, which enables them to accurately gauge the risk associated with providing any new form of credit.
If your CIBIL credit score hasn’t been updated despite recent financial activities, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Lenders typically report credit data to TransUnion CIBIL and other credit bureaus on a monthly basis, as per RBI guidelines. Thus, it may take over 30 days for the details to reflect on your report. However, this is the case until December 31, 2024. From January 1, 2025, it will be mandatory for credit institutions to update the details on a fortnightly basis. So, it may take just up to 12 days (7 days for lenders to report and 5 days for processing by credit bureaus) for the updates to reflect. Ensure enough time has passed since your financial activity.
Contact your lender to confirm if they’ve submitted the updated credit information. Delays in reporting by lenders can result in your credit score not being updated promptly.
Download and review your latest CIBIL credit report to check for discrepancies. Ensure that all recent payments, closed accounts, or other activities are correctly reflected.
If you spot errors or missing updates, raise a dispute directly with CIBIL via their official website. Provide necessary details like transaction dates, account numbers, and any supporting documents.
Keep checking your credit score and report periodically to ensure updates are reflected accurately. Regular monitoring helps you identify issues early and take corrective action.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your CIBIL score remains accurate and up to date, helping you maintain a strong credit profile.
TransUnion CIBIL cannot independently update or modify any information in your credit report. It simply compiles the data provided by lenders. If there’s an error, you must contact your lender to correct it. Once the lender updates the information, it will be reflected in your CIBIL report by the next reporting cycle.
After you raise a dispute, TransUnion will forward the issue to the relevant lender for verification. This process usually takes 30 days. Once the lender confirms and corrects the data, TransUnion CIBIL will update your credit report. Following this, your credit score will reflect the changes in the next update cycle.