When used judiciously, a credit card can be an incredible tool that can help you get more out of your spending. However, sometimes, it can affect your financial health adversely. It can come with high annual fees, not enough benefits, or can even lead to overspending. In such situations, it might be best to clear the balance and close the credit card. These days, you can easily cancel your credit cards both online and offline within a couple of minutes. In this article, we’ve detailed out the credit card cancellation process and things to keep in mind while doing so.
Here are the customer support contact numbers for some of India’s leading credit card issuers:
Top Credit Card Issuers |
Customer Care Number |
SBI Card |
1800 180 1290 |
Axis Bank |
1800 209 5577 |
Kotak Mahindra Bank |
1860 266 2666 |
1860 500 2277 |
1800 266 4332 |
YES Bank |
1800 103 6000 |
IndusInd Bank |
1860 500 5004 |
American Express |
1800 419 1092 |
Bank of Baroda |
1800 225 100 |
IDBI Bank |
1800 200 1947 |
RBL Bank |
1800 121 9050 |
Bank of India |
1800 220 229/ 1800 103 1906 |
Corporation Bank |
1800 22 6606 |
Cancelling an unused credit card may be a good idea, particularly if it comes with a high annual fee. At the same time, you might want to hold off on unused credit cards if you are looking to improve or maintain your credit score. Closing unused credit cards can cause your credit score to fall.
It depends on your credit card provider’s policies. Some issuers may require you to hand the card over to them. Alternatively, you can also cut your credit card diagonally and dispose of it, if your credit card issuer permits it.
In most cases, when you cancel your credit card, all add-on cards are automatically cancelled.
You can cancel your credit card by raising a credit card cancellation request on the card issuer website or by getting in touch with the credit card issuer’s customer service team.
Cancelling a credit card may or may not have an impact on your credit score. Ensure that you check your updated credit report to understand the impact.
It's best to clear all due when closing your credit card. But if there is an outstanding balance on your card, you will have to continue paying monthly interest on the pending amount. This will also have a detrimental effect on your credit score.
Pending transactions cannot be cancelled on the credit card until the bank or the card issuing authority has finalised them. You can try reaching out to the merchant to cancel the transaction as well. If you don't recognize the transaction, you can file a complaint. The bank can then freeze your card and guide you through the next steps to cancel your card.
A written confirmation will be sent by the issuing bank that the card has been closed permanently.
Clear any outstanding balance on your credit card account before cancelling your credit card to avoid any being reported to credit bureaus. While it may not be possible to accurately predict the impact of credit card cancellation on your credit score, it’s best that you get in touch with your credit card provider. They should be able to help you get a clearer idea of how closing a credit card can impact your credit score.
Yes, it absolutely can be! If your credit card comes with high annual fees or
makes it difficult for you to manage your spending, then it may be time to bid goodbye to your credit card.