Keeping track of your credit card balance is crucial for responsible spending. Doing so can help you avoid unnecessary debt and charges. Regularly monitoring your balance also ensures you can manage your repayments effectively and avoid overspending.
HDFC Bank enables you to check the available balance on your credit card efficiently through several online and offline methods. You can utilise online methods like internet banking or the mobile banking app for ultimate convenience.
Internet banking is a convenient method for managing your credit card account online. To check the HDFC Bank credit card balance online through this facility, follow these steps:
Log into your account with your Customer ID and password
Navigate to the ‘Cards’ section
Find your credit card account overview to view details like your current balance, available credit limit, and recent transactions
The bank also offers a user-friendly mobile app, which makes checking your credit card balance simple. After downloading the mobile banking app, follow these steps to check your card’s balance:
Log in using your credentials or mobile number
From the dashboard, select the ‘Credit Card’ option
You can view your card details like its outstanding balance, available credit limit, and detailed transaction history
You can also make payments or access other card services with this app. It is an all-in-one solution for managing your credit card on the go.
You can also check the HDFC Bank credit card balance via SMS if you prefer not to use online services. Simply send an SMS with the designated code to 5676712.
To check your card balance by speaking to a representative, you can contact the bank’s customer care team. You can request your account balance, available credit, recent transactions, and more. Customer care can also assist with payment queries and other card-related issues.
HDFC Bank’s credit card customer care is available 24X7. Here is how you can contact the customer service team:
Card Type |
Customer Care Number |
All Domestic Credit Cardholders (Except Diners Black Credit Card and Infinia Credit Card) |
1860 267 6161/1800 202 6161 |
Customers Travelling Internationally |
+91 22 61606160 |
Customers with the Diners Black Credit Card |
+91 22 61717606 |
Customers with the Infinia Credit Card |
+91 22 61717606 |
Yes, you can use the phone banking service to speak with a customer service executive about your credit card statement balance. Alternatively, you can send an SMS to the bank's number for the same enquiry.
There is no fee associated with this service. However, there may be a fee charged by the network service provider for sending an SMS.
No, the phone number you use for this service needs to be officially registered with the bank to check the credit card balance via SMS.
Yes, entering the PIN is necessary to use an ATM to check a credit card’s balance.
Netbanking and mobile banking apps offer the fastest and most convenient ways to check your balance 24X7.
Yes, a mobile banking app lets you view your current balance and recent credit card transactions.
Your monthly credit card statement typically reflects your balance as of the statement's closing date. The statement may arrive by email or post, depending on your preference.
Generally, there are no charges for checking your balance through online or SMS banking methods. However, charges might apply for phone banking inquiries.
Ensure your mobile number is registered for the service to check your HDFC Bank balance via missed call. Then, all you need to do is give a missed call to the toll-free number 1800-270-3333.