Using a credit card has become commonplace today with more and more people opting for it in order to purchase their favourite equipment or electronic appliances. However, considering the ease of making purchases through a credit card, it can often become difficult to keep track of expenditures and curtail payments.
The IDFC FIRST Bank credit card has emerged as a popular option with Indian consumers, owing to the IDFC credit card statement provided by the bank. The IDFC FIRST Bank credit card statement enables customers to view their expenses in detail, and even highlight any fraudulent transactions, if they have occurred.
As a customer, your IDFC credit card statement download is easy and hassle-free. You can check the IDFC credit card statement date and keep track of your expenses over a period of time as well. This will enable you to easily identify whether your expenditure patterns have changed.
The IDFC Bank credit card statement offers several benefits to customers. Read on below to learn more about the benefits you can avail.
You are not required to pay any fee in order to generate your IDFC FIRST credit card statement.
Regardless of whether you choose to get an IDFC credit card online statement or an offline one, you can easily get it without having to undergo a rigorous process.
The IDFC credit card statement also lets you keep an eye out for exciting offers that could prove useful to you.
You can access your IDFC credit card online statement at any time at all regardless of where you are.
It is extremely easy to download IDFC credit card statements from the bank’s website. You would be requested to share your customer details and your card details, and will be able to access the IDFC credit card online statement. Additionally, it is important to note that your credit card statement will also be emailed to you, if you reach out to the bank and opt for the service. Alternatively, you can download the credit card app for IDFC Bank and keep an eye on your statements at all times.
The IDFC credit card statement is easily available offline. You can ask the bank to send the statement to your registered home address through post or you can even head to the nearest branch to check your statement. In case the hard copies of your statement are not being sent to your residence, you can visit the nearest branch and file a request for the same.
If you are currently receiving the credit card statements in a physical form to your home address, you can easily switch to a credit card e-statement by communicating with a bank representative.
In case you encounter any errors in your IDFC FIRST Bank credit card statement, it is essential that you immediately bring it to the notice of bank officials. Read on to learn about the steps you can take to correct any mistakes in your IDFC bank credit card statement.
Contact the merchant that the payment has been made for and rectify the amount they quoted.
You can also report the fraudulent transaction to the creditor’s department and ask them to investigate the matter.
It is essential that you report this to the concerned department within 60 days of receiving the statement.
You can check your IDFC credit card statement both online and offline. You can check it from the website or even the mobile phone app by simply entering the required customer and card details.
Once you have downloaded the IDFC bank mobile app, and logged in, you need to navigate to the ‘Cards’ option in the top menu, then opt for ‘Credit Card’ from among the options listed. You will see an option for ‘Download Statement’, which you can use to access your credit card statement at once.
Your IDFC credit card statement includes details of the due date of your payment, the total amount that is due on your credit card, and the minimum amount due which you are required to pay in order to continue using your card.