If you own a YES Bank credit card, it is important that any change or update in your residence must be notified to the bank within 6 months. Making a prompt update about your address change helps ensure no correspondence is missed. You can inform YES Bank about your address change both online and offline. Below are the different methods:
YES Bank Credit Card Address Change Online Methods |
YES Bank Credit Card Address Change Offline Methods |
-Via YES Bank Credit Card Netbanking -Via Email |
-Via Customer Care -Via YES Bank branch visit |
Via Netbanking
You can log into YES Online, the netbanking portal for YES Bank to change your address. Once logged in, you can modify your personal details, including making an update about your new residence, in your customer profile.
Via Email
You can send an email to the bank about an update on your residential address. Make sure to submit the necessary permanent address proofs and other important credit card documents along with your mail to ensure a quick and smooth process. The official bank ID to reach YES Bank credit card customer care is:
YES Bank Credit Card Email ID |
yestouchcc@yesbank.in |
Call the Customer Care
You can reach out to YES Bank credit card customer care on the following numbers:
In case you are calling from India |
In case you are calling from outside India |
Visit Nearest YES Bank Branch
You can also update the bank about your YES Bank credit card address change by visiting the nearest YES Bank branch. You will have to download the YES Bank credit card address change form first. Once you have filled the form, submit it along with the necessary documents at your nearest YES Bank branch.
The following list of documents need to be submitted along with the YES Bank credit card address change form to process your application:
Identity Proof: Voter’s ID card, Aadhaar card, a letter issued by Unique Identification Authority of India, Identity card issued to Government employees
Address Proof: Passport, National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA) Card (if it contains address), Utility Bills
Income Proof: Latest bank statement, ITR from last 2 years, latest payslips, etc.
You can reactivate as well as opt for YES Bank credit card address change online via netbanking. Alternatively, you can mail the bank at yestouchcc@yesbank.in. Make sure to submit/attach all the relevant documents for your credit card address change service request.
You can opt to change your address for YES credit card either online or offline. The online way to change your address is via:
The offline way to change your address is via:
Calling customer care
Visiting nearest YES Bank branch
Depending on whether you have opted for an address change online or offline, it might take anywhere between 1-5 working days to update the address on your credit card.
nitiating prompt address change on your YES credit card will offer the following benefits:
Updating your address with the bank ensures that no important correspondence is missed
In case a new person is staying at your old address, you can ensure that no sensitive credit card-related information is leaked by updating your new address
In case your credit card is up for renewal, the bank will send it to the address registered with them. Hence, it is important to notify the bank of any residence change.
You can download the official YES Bank credit card address change form from the bank’s official website.