It is easier to get a personal loan if you receive your salary directly in your bank account as your bank statements will be proof of your loan repayment capability. But, to get a personal loan against salary that you receive in cash could be slightly tricky. However, it is not impossible for you to get a personal loan against a cash salary. Read on to know about the ways in which you can get a personal loan against your cash salary.
Yes, you can get a personal loan if you get your salary in cash. But, you must share your bank statements, offer letter, employment letter, salary vouchers, or income tax returns (ITR), as requested, to the concerned lender as income proof to get the personal loan against cash salary.
Yes, you can get a loan against your salary, but the maximum amount you can avail as a personal loan will vary from lender to lender.
If you can furnish your income tax statements, salary vouchers, bank account statements, income tax returns, or any kind of official letter from your employer, then you are eligible for a loan against your cash salary.