Following Samsung’s recent launches of high-end smartphones, the company is expected to launch its new flagship phones from the Galaxy S24 series in February 2024. The Samsung Galaxy S24 5G is expected to sport a Quad Camera System with a 108MP primary camera that will allow you to capture detailed and impressive snaps. If you wish to buy it on EMI when it launches in India, you may be able to do so with the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card.
Before we explore the EMI offers, let’s check out the unique features of the product. The Samsung Galaxy S24 has ruggedness in its design, which makes it dustproof. In addition to this, its IP68 feature also makes it water resistant. It is expected to come with a 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED display with a pixel density of 516 ppi, a powerful Samsung Exynos 2200 chipset, and a 64-bit Octa-core processor.
Moreover, the Samsung Galaxy S24 is powered by a 4,000mAh battery and comes with wireless and 45W fast charging. The EMI on the Samsung S24 5G starts from ₹98,990* (speculated)/ number of months in the repayment tenor.
*Disclaimer: The price is subject to change at the official launch of the product.
The Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card allows you to purchase products from Bajaj Finserv partner stores without paying any upfront cost. Moreover, you can also enjoy the following perks if you purchase a Samsung Galaxy S24 using this card:
Buy this smartphone with zero to minimal down payment at No Cost EMI at Bajaj Finserv partner stores
This card has a pre-approved limit of up to ₹2 Lakhs
Flexible repayment tenor ranging between 3 and 24 months
No penalty charges on prepayment of the loan
The Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card allows you to buy any smartphone from partner stores without a credit card and convert its cost into easy EMIs. You can use this card in the following way to purchase Samsung Galaxy S24:
Step 1: Visit an online Bajaj Finserv Partner Store selling the phone of your choice
Step 2: Add the phone to the cart and proceed to the checkout window
Step 3: Opt for ‘Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card’ for the payment method
Step 4: Choose a suitable repayment tenor and enter the OTP received to authenticate your purchase
Step 1: Go to the offline Bajaj Finserv Partner Store when it begins offering the Samsung S24 5G phone on sale
Step 2: Use your Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card at the payment counter
Step 3: Add your card details and select an appropriate repayment tenor
Step 4: Finalise the transaction but also read the loan terms carefully
To apply for the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network card, visit the official Bajaj Markets website or download the app.
You can buy Samsung Galaxy S24 5G at No Cost EMI using a Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card. Simply visit a Bajaj Finserv partner store that’s selling the phone, and opt to pay for it at No Cost EMIs.
The Samsung Galaxy S24 5G is expected to launch in February 2024.
The Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card allows you to choose a repayment tenor that ranges between 3 and 24 months. This way, even if the phone goes above the ₹1 Lakh mark, you can choose a repayment timeline that ensures affordable repayment.
The speculated price of the Samsung Galaxy S24 is ₹98,990, but this is subject to change.
You can enjoy the benefit of minimal to no down payment when using the Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card.
When you buy a Samsung Galaxy S24 or any other electronic product on No Cost EMIs, there is no need to pay the entire amount as a lump sum. Instead, you can convert the total purchase amount into affordable EMIs, helping you minimise the overall borrowing costs at no additional charges.