Pranamasana (The Prayer Pose )

Pranamasana or the Prayer Pose is the starting pose for Surya Namaskara or the sun salutation pose. It marks the beginning and end of a yoga practice. The benefits of Pranamasana include strengthening of the nervous system, and posture alignment, and provides spiritual healing as well as a continuous flow of good energy and prana in the body. In this article, you can learn more about the types of Pranamasana yoga, how to practice it on a daily basis, its benefits, some beginner tips, how often one must practice it, and precautions to be taken while practising this useful pose.


Pranamasana yoga mudra is one of the most commonly practised yoga mudras in the world. The word Pranam Asana has its origins in the Sanskrit language, where Pranam means ‘to pay/give respect to someone, and Asana is referred to as a ‘pose’. Pranamasana is also known as the prayer pose because, in this yoga mudra, one’s hands are held together in ‘Anjali mudra’ popularly known as namaskar.

How to do Pranamasana

To perform Pranamasana one must be aware of the right posture to avoid any ailments and achieve maximum benefit.


  • The neck should be straight and elongated.

  • The face should be looking in the forward direction

  • Broadened shoulders will ensure stability

  • Palms should be placed together in Anjali mudra touching Anahata chakra (heart)

  • The elbows should be in alignment with the body posture.

  • The legs should be firm and in symmetrical alignment

Once the posture is set, follow these simple Pranamasana steps -


  • Step 1 - Stand firmly on the ground

  • Step 2 - Join your palms together in prayer or namaskar posture.

  • Step 3 - Close your eyes and connect with your inner self.

  • Step 4 - Perform breathing exercises for 15-20 minutes and relax

Benefits of Pranamasana

The prominent Pranamasana benefits are -


  • Nervous System Strengthening - The positive effect of the Pranamasana is very significant. The pose provides the mind with peace and calmness as the body remains still and relaxed.

  • Postural Alignment - Another major benefit that the Pranamasana offers is maintaining the body’s alignment and balance. At the time of the stretching, the spine is engaged, which results in body posture improvement. The body and the mind are centred during the Anjali Mudra, and therefore postural alignment is one of the best advantages of the Pranamasana.

  • Spiritual Healing - The Heart Chakra or the Anahata Chakra is called the spiritual centre of the human body. When you press your folded hands against your chest and perform breathing exercises, the Heart Chakra is opened.

  • Systematic Prana Flow - Due to the stretching of the spinal cord and other body muscles, there is a continuous and efficient flow of good energy and prana in the body. Therefore, the Pranam asana is not only good for the human body organs but also for mental health.

Beginner’s Tip for Pranamasana

Here are some useful tips that you should keep in mind while practising Pranamasana yoga -


  • Take a yoga block and hold it with pressure between your palms. Stretch the fingers in the outer direction and keep spreading your palms in the outward direction. Use the yoga block for widening your collarbones and sternum. After some time, try practising without yoga.

  • Keep your body and palms relaxed to create a dome-shaped structure while your hands are folded together.

  • You can keep the folded hands in front of your forehead or the crown of your head. You can also keep it slightly above the crown of the head.

  • You can practice this asana in the sitting or squatting position, which is extremely helpful in improving digestion and increasing body flexibility. In a standing position, maintain distance between the thighs. Now bend your knees and push the hip towards the floor.

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How often should I do Pranamasana

Pranamasana is a simple standing yoga posture that generally is the first and last Asana of any yoga session. It is a very easy and effortless posture that comes with great health benefits including nervous system strengthening, digestion improvement, body posture maintenance, and mental calmness. According to the experts, practising about 10 mins of Pranamasana in a day is sufficient and effective enough. You can start with beginner yoga poses and then move on to Pranamasana to reap complete benefits of yoga in your life.

Precautions To Take When Practicing Pranamasana

Before you practice Pranam asana, remember the following precautions:


  • It is preferred to practice the Pranamasana either early in the morning or at the time of sunset.

  • Avoid eating anything before you start your Pranamasana practice.

  • Make sure you close your eyes while practising.

  • Try to practice Pranamasana while facing the sun.

Performing yoga daily is a healthy practice, by making yoga a part of your routine, you can ensure that your health is better protected. Apart from this, you should also make efforts to keep your financial health protected. One way to do so is by investing in a health insurance plan that secures your finances during medical emergencies. One can look for different health insurance plans on the Bajaj Markets app as per their financial needs and goals.


Yoga has been scientifically proven to be one of the best cures for stress and other ailments. Pranamasana is one of the simplest and most commonly practised yoga mudras. One can perform Pranamasana at their homes. Doctors, Counsellors, Therapists advise their patients to include yoga in their lifestyles for a healthy and happy recovery. 



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FAQs on Pranamasana

Is it okay to eat breakfast before doing Pranamasana?

No, according to the experts, eating anything before you practice Pranamasana should be avoided as it involves stretching and squatting that puts pressure on the stomach. This can result in negative consequences like vomiting.

Why is it important to keep your eyes closed while practising Pranamasana?

It is said that while your eyes are closed, the other body senses work with double efficiency. It increases focus and provides calmness to the mind.

What is the significance of Anjali Mudra?

Anjali Mudra means sealing your bond with the divine self. Anjali Mudra helps you to build up spiritual energy in the body. It provides peace and calmness in a meditative manner. 

Will Pranamasana help in reducing respiratory problems?

Yes, Pranamasana helps in reducing respiratory problems. It involves maintaining still posture as well as stretching which collectively helps to improve the lung capacity.

What does Pranamasana mean?

The word Pranam Asana comes from the Sanskrit language, where the word Pranam means ‘to pay/give respect to someone and Asana means a ‘pose’. 

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