When you buy a bike insurance plan, it’s extremely important that you keep the insurance policy documents kept safely. When you are making an insurance claim, you will need to submit your insurance policy papers along with other necessary documents. Your claim may get rejected if you lose your policy papers and cannot submit them when the time comes to make a claim. Fortunately, there are several ways to recover your policy papers/insurance details if they are lost or misplaced. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to find out bike insurance details by registration number.
A vehicle’s registration number serves as its official identity number. The Regional Transport Office (RTO) of each district is responsible for issuing registration numbers to new vehicles. The vehicle owners are responsible for getting their new vehicles registered at the RTO within one month of the purchase of the vehicle. Your vehicle’s registration number is also useful when applying for an insurance policy, making a claim or renewing your bike insurance. Moreover, in case there are any traffic accidents, the vehicle registration number is useful for law enforcement in identifying the responsible party and taking the appropriate action.
There are two ways through which you can find out a bike’s insurance details by using the vehicle registration number; through the Parivahan website and through the Insurance Information Bureau (IBB). Let’s take a look at the process for each of them below:
Alternatively, you can log in to your insurance provider’s website through your credentials and access the soft copy of your insurance policy document online.
You may face some issues if you accidentally lose or misplace your insurance policy documents. As mentioned above, insurance papers are essential whenever you are registering a claim and your claim might get rejected if your insurance documents are not in order. Fortunately, using the methods given above, you can find your two-wheeler insurance details by registration number. However, if you do not yet have two wheeler insurance for your bike yet, you should look into buying one as soon as possible. You can check out the bike insurance options available at Bajaj Markets and choose a policy that suits your needs.
You can check bike insurance details by registration number through the Parivahan website or through the Insurance Information Bureau website.
You can log in to your insurance provider’s website and access your insurance policy details if you have lost your policy papers.
No, you will need to have your policy papers and insurance details when applying for a claim, or it might get rejected.
No, it’s illegal to drive any vehicle without having third-party insurance in place, as per the New Motor Vehicles Act, 2019.
Yes, you can buy bike insurance for your vehicle on Bajaj Markets as well as other insurance websites.