National Digital Health Mission

Here’s what you need to know about the National Digital Health Mission!
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The National Digital Health Mission, also known as the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), is an initiative by the Indian government to create a seamless online infrastructure for the swift transfer of health and medical data. This mission to strengthen the health infrastructure in India was launched on September 27, 2021. 


The ADBM has four key building blocks, namely a unique health ID, a registry for healthcare professionals, a registry for healthcare facilities and the ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) mobile app.


With this framework in place, the National Digital Health Mission aims to make data transfer between patients and healthcare providers more efficient.

Introducing Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

  • Establishing high-tech digital health ecosystems to manage and efficiently transfer medical data.

  • Ensuring that this system is deployed across all national digital healthcare stakeholders.

  • Creating a secure directory of personal health records of patients which can be quickly and easily accessible by doctors upon the consent of the patients.

  • Encouraging and supporting private healthcare practitioners, hospitals and institutions to adopt the ABDM ecosystem.

  • Improve the overall management of the health sector by using collected health data and medical research.

  • Enhance the efficiency of governance and administration across all government levels.

Benefits of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

  • Improvement in the efficiency and transparency of healthcare data transfer between patients, medical institutions and healthcare service providers.

  • Patients can securely store all their medical information and documents within the ABDM infrastructure.

  • Patients can share their medical details with the hospitals/doctors easily through the system in just a few clicks.

  • Guidelines and protocols have been laid down to ensure the data is not misused or misrepresented in any way.

  • Government policymakers can make better administrative decisions based on the collected medical data and inputs from medical researchers on said data to improve healthcare services.

ABDM’s Building Blocks

The Ayushman Bharat Mission is based on 4 main building blocks:

  • Health ID

Each user of the ABDM system will have to generate a unique health ID that will be verified and linked to their identification. The user’s medical information will be stored on this unique health ID.

  • Healthcare Professionals Registry

It is a complete database of healthcare professionals who are associated with the deployment of healthcare services across the country. By registering themselves on the registry, healthcare professionals can have easy and quick access to patient data and other benefits.

  • Health Facility Registry

It is an extensive database of all healthcare facilities across the nation. These include both private and public healthcare facilities like hospitals, diagnostic labs, small clinics, nursing homes, etc.

  • ABHA Mobile App

The ABHA mobile app is to be used by the patients to control and access their medical information, as well as share it with healthcare professionals. The app is supported by the secure PHR (Personal Health Record) system. You will need to create a PHR address (username) and link it to your health ID.

Documents Required to Register for ABDM

All you need to register yourself for the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission is:

  • An Aadhaar Card linked to a mobile number

How to Register and Get a Health ID

Here are the easy steps you can follow to get a unique health ID.

  • Step 1: Download and then open the Aarogya Setu App on your phone.

  • Step 2: Once you are successfully logged in to Aarogya Setu, you will find the option of ‘Create New ABHA’. Click on it.

  • Step 3: On the new page that opens up, enter your UID number and verify it with an OTP that will come to your registered mobile number.

  • Step 4: You will have to select your preferred ABHA Address (username).

  • Step 5: Once the above steps are completed, your health ID will be generated.


Note: This process can also be done through the ABHA PHR app and by visiting an ABDM facility in person.


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FAQs on Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

Can I Use My Mobile Number if it's Not Linked to My Aadhaar?

Yes, you can use your mobile number to register for ABHA but you will need to physically visit one of the ABDM centres to do it. Additionally, if you wish to change your mobile number for ABHA or have lost access to your Aadhaar-linked number, you can visit an ABDM health centre and get it registered manually. You may have to present your Aadhaar card for verification.

Are Personal Health Records Secure?

As per the information provided by the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission website, all the patient details recorded on the platform will be completely secure and will only be accessible by patients through their health ID and PHR address. The users can also have full control over which healthcare professional they wish to share their data with.

Can I Delete My Health ID and Exit the Platform?

Yes, as per the ABDM website, you can choose to delete your health ID and PHR address, and your existing information will be permanently erased from the platform. You can also choose to deactivate your account when not needed and reactivate it in case the need arises. This way, your account information and health records will not be permanently gone.

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When was the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission launched?

The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission was launched by PM Narendra Modi on September 27, 2021.

How can I register for the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission?

You can register for the scheme through the Aarogya Setu App, the ABHA App or by visiting an ABDM centre in person and getting the Ayushman Bharat digital health card. 

What are the benefits of the health ID card?

Once you have your health ID, you can safely store all your medical information there as well as share it with doctors when necessary.

Can I register for ABDM without an Aadhaar linked number?

Yes, but you will have to visit an ABDM centre to register without a number. 

What is the Ayushman Bharat digital health ID card?

The Ayushman Bharat digital health ID is a unique 14-digit number that is assigned to each individual for purposes of identification within the system. Your health ID is linked to your PHR address. 

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