Calories in Curd

There are about 98 calories per 100 grams in curd which is a by-product of milk and is regularly consumed. Curd is a low-calorie snack. Calories in curd are 59% protein, 23% are fats, and 18% are carbohydrates.  Curd reduces the risk of developing heart-related illnesses as it contains trace amounts of good cholesterol. It is rich in probiotics which are good for gut health. Curd also improves bone health. It can also aid you in losing weight if taken in moderation. However, if consumed excessively, it can lead to obesity. You should avoid consuming curd regularly if you have arthritis.

Are Curd Calories and Nutritional Values Dense?

Curd (Dahi), which is also popularly known as yoghurt, is one of the healthiest milk products that can be used in dozens of ways for a wide variety of different dishes. It is consumed by a large proportion of the country’s population for its excellent health and nutritional value. 


Most people consume a bowl of curd with their meals to boost metabolism and help their digestive process. As a food type, curd is a by-product of milk that is formed by fermenting warm milk for a few hours. Curd is rich in probiotics that help improve gut health. This article can help you understand  calories in curd, health benefits, curd’s nutrition values, and more.

Nutritional Composition of Curd

Here is a breakdown of curd’s calories per 100g along with its nutritional values. 

Curd (100 grams)

Nutritional Value


98 (approximately)


4.3 grams


3.4 grams


11 grams


17 mg


364 mg


104 mg

Did You know?

Curd made out of cow milk is healthier as compared to the buffalo milk curd. Cow milk is low in fat, and hence, it is lighter and easily digestible. Avoid buffalo milk curd especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Health Benefits of Curd

Since you now know the nutritional values that curd comprises, you can now learn all about the health benefits that curd provides. Here are some of the most important health benefits of curd that you should be aware of.

  • Curd Improves Bone Health

As curd is a by-product of milk, it is rich in calcium as well as phosphorus. These two nutrients are very important in maintaining the strength and density of your bones. The potassium in curd also helps in better absorption of the calcium so that it’s efficiently used by the body.

  • Curd Improves Digestion

Curd is packed with good bacteria or β€˜probiotics’ that are extremely helpful in aiding the digestive system. If you suffer from digestion-related issues, you can seek immediate relief by adding a cup of curd to your meals daily. It helps deal with constipation and improves your overall digestive process by 

boosting metabolism.

  • Curd Improves Heart Health

Curd contains trace amounts of good cholesterol and studies have found that consuming curd regularly has reduced the risk of developing cardiac illnesses. On a related note, curd is also known to be useful for keeping blood pressure and hypertension in check.

  • Curd Can Help You Lose Weight

As mentioned before, curd boosts your metabolism which can help you shed some of the extra pounds you may want to lose. Moreover, it also regulates and reduces the production of a hormone called cortisol, as excess cortisol has been linked to weight gain.

  • Curd Boosts Your Immunity

The large number of probiotics present in curd that help with digestion are also responsible for boosting immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells in the body.

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Adverse Effects of Consuming Curd

Though curd can help you lose weight, excessive consumption can lead to obesity (especially if the curd is made using milk with a high fat percentage). In fact, curd can also be heavy for a few, which leads to constipation. Hence, moderation is the key here. Since curd is a dairy product, people with arthritis should avoid consuming it on a regular basis. Curd might just flare its symptoms.

Final Takeaway

Curd is an excellent superfood that provides all the important nutrients needed by your body while being low on calories. For centuries, people around the world have used curd to improve their health and add variety to their diets. However, just focusing on improving your diet and health is not enough these days, as unexpected diseases and accidents can happen to anyone, even the most healthy people.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Calories in Curd

How many calories are in 1 cup of curd?

Calories in 1 cup of curd amount to 100, give or take 10-20 calories depending on the type of milk used to make the curd.

Does curd make you gain weight?

On the contrary, curd is considered one of the best foods to lose weight as it helps boost your metabolism and regulate the formation of the hormone cortisol. 

How many calories would 100 gm of curd have?

Compared to most other foods, curd is quite low in calories, with only 62 calories per 100 gm of curd.

Can you eat curd daily?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to eat curd daily. However, keep your curd intake limited to one or two bowls in a day. 

What are the benefits of eating curd?

Here are some important benefits of eating curd:

  • Improves digestive process

  • Provides the body with important nutrients like proteins, vitamins, calcium, etc.

  • Improves bone density and strength

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