
The calories in ice-cream are variable and differ between flavours and types. A half-cup regular vanilla ice-cream contains 140 calories while the premium variant contains 210 calories, low-fat version contains 130 calories and without sugar ice-cream contains 115 calories. The calories in one scoop of ice cream weighing 100g also varies depending on the flavour. A scoop of cookie dough ice-cream contains 200 calories, chocolate scoop contains 216 calories, strawberry scoop contains 236 calories while vanilla ice-cream scoop contains 201 calories. Find out more about the calories in ice cream here.


Ice cream, the most-loved dessert, comes in a wide range of flavours ranging from the common ones like vanilla and chocolate, to exotic flavours like smoky avocado, sea salt and truffle. Like all desserts, ice cream is loved by children and adults alike. However, like all things sweet, ice cream is also loaded with a ton of calories.


The calories in one scoop of ice cream vary depending on the flavour of the dessert you choose. Ice cream calories also change according to the kind of variant you consume. Low-fat variants and the ones that have no sugar typically contain fewer calories.


A half cup of vanilla ice cream calories, for instance, come up to around 140 in the regular variant, 210 in a premium variant, 130 in the low-fat version, and just 115 in case there is no added sugar.

Ice Cream Nutrition Facts

Like the calories in ice cream, the nutritional profile of the dessert is also a variable. It changes depending on the flavour, the kind, and the manner in which ice cream is consumed. And despite what it may seem, ice cream is not just empty calories. Here is a preview of the nutritional information in different kinds of half a cup of vanilla ice cream.


Regular ice cream

Premium ice cream

Low-fat ice cream

Ice cream with no added sugar






Total fat

7 grams

13 grams

2.5 grams

5 grams


30 milligrams

70 milligrams

10 milligrams

18 milligrams


2 grams

3 grams

3 grams

3 grams


17 grams

20 grams

17 grams

15 grams


14 grams

19 grams

13 grams

4 grams

How many calories does ice cream have?

If you are on a diet or if you are planning to shed a few pounds, you may be watching the calories you consume. This is one of the reasons to track the calories in different food items you may have on your plate. And that includes the post-meal dessert too, especially if it is ice cream.


Since ice cream comes in different forms, like cones, cups, scoops and more, the calorie count varies based on how you eat your dessert. For example, the calories in a scoop of ice cream will be different from ice cream cone calories. The calories also vary based on the flavor.


To give you a better idea of how many calories ice creams have, here is a table giving you the details of 1 cup ice cream calories weighing 100 grams.

Ice cream variety

1 scoop ice cream calories (100 grams)

Butter pecan ice cream


Chocolate chip ice cream


Chocolate ice cream calories


Coffee ice cream


Cookie dough ice cream


Strawberry ice cream


Vanilla ice cream


Calories in common food items with ice cream

Ice cream is also consumed in combination with many different food items. Furthermore, it is also used as an integral part of many desserts. Naturally, when you combine ice cream with other food items, the overall calorie count is bound to shoot up in most cases. However, based on the amount of ice cream used and the other ingredients in the food item, the calories may also be lower.


So, if you are an ice cream lover, here is a closer look at the calories in common food items with ice cream.

Food item(s)


Ice cream sandwich


Ice cream sundae


1 cup ice cream pie


1 ball of Japanese mochi


379 grams of vanilla ice cream shake


1 slice of ice cream cake


Health benefits of ice cream

It may come as surprisingly good news that ice cream does come with its own health benefits. Here are some of the top health benefits of eating ice cream-

  • Improves your energy levels

Ice cream contains a high level of carbohydrates, which are easily converted into energy by the body. So, if you ever find yourself weary after a long day and need a quick β€˜pick-me-up’, a scoop of ice cream may just do the trick.

  • Rich in vitamins

Ice cream is also a rich source of vitamins like Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D and E. These vitamins perform many key bodily functions and improve your immune system, keep your nerves and muscles functioning properly, improve your eyesight and contribute to skin and bone health.

  • Stimulates brain function

Interestingly, one of the many unknown health benefits of ice cream is that it can improve brain function too. By reducing the levels of stress in the body and increasing the release of happy hormones, this dessert naturally relaxes the nervous system and stimulates the brain.


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How much ice cream should you consume everyday?

Since ice cream contains high levels of added sugar, it is recommended that you limit the consumption of this dessert to around 10% or less of your total daily calories. So, depending on the kind of ice cream you have, you can consume around half to one cup. Anything over that amount on a regular basis can be detrimental to your overall health.


Maintaining a healthy diet can be quite a challenging task, but it definitely pays off in the long run. A balanced diet should include adequate amounts of carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre. This makes it easier for you to maintain the right Body Mass Index (BMI) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).


So, does this mean you cannot consume ice cream at all? Not quite. As the experts say, everything must be had in moderation. It is definitely possible to enjoy an ice cream occasionally and still maintain a healthy BMI and BMR. You can even use a calorie calculator to keep an eye on the calories you consume through your diet each day.


And in addition to this, ensure that you also get yourself a good health insurance plan, so you are well-prepared for any health emergencies that may crop up later in life. 

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