Calories in Idli

Idli is one of the much-loved South Indian dishes. It is like a soft and fluffy cake made with fermented rice and dal batter. The best thing about this dish is the idli’s calories. Its low caloric value makes it a perfect breakfast option. Since it is rich in protein and fibre, it also keeps you satiated for a longer period. Idli generally tastes bland. Hence, you must have it with classics like sambar, chutney, or mulagapudi.

Idli’s Nutritional Value

100 grams of idli contains approximately 191 calories or about 70 calories per idli. Idlis are rich in carbs, making them an excellent food source for providing energy to the body throughout the day. For a better understanding, take a look at the table below.

Idli Nutrients (Per 100 grams)



41 grams


0 grams


6 grams


5 mg


0 mg

Did You Know?

Idli is a steamed rice cake made from fermented rice and split black dal batter. The rice and split black dal are soaked overnight then ground into a fine batter in the morning and left to ferment for a day.


The calories in idli depend on its size and cooking procedure. On average, the number of calories in 1 idli (39 gms) is 58. The calorie content majorly comprises carbs. Steamed and boiled foods are always low in calories. It is true in the case of steamed idli as well, where no oil or frying is involved.


The 58 calories in idli, when combined with sambar and coconut chutney, can go up to 90 or 100. Yet, calories in idli and sambar remain within the healthy calorie range and are way lower than other breakfast options.

Calories in Different Quantities of Idli

The table below should give you a good idea about the number of calories that different quantities of idli contain.

Idli quantity

Calories (approx)

1 Idli calories

50-70 calories

2 Idli calories

140 calories

3 Idli calories

210 calories

4 Idli calories

280 calories

Idli Sambar (1 serving)

200-300 calories

Health Benefits of Eating Idli

Preferred by health and fitness enthusiasts, idli has unarguably become a healthy breakfast option. Here are some of the health benefits of idli

1. Helps in Weight Control

Due to the low calories in idli, it's the best breakfast and lunch option. Moreover, it keeps you full, helping you avoid overeating and munching on snacks and junk foods.

2. Good for the Digestive System

Though idli sambar is a filling food, it’s not heavy, greasy, or oily. Its light composition and the batter fermentation process make it easy to digest. The bacteria and yeast involved in the fermentation process are healthy for your body’s digestive tracts.

3. Rich in Nutrients and Fibre

Idli is rich in carbohydrates, enzymes, amino acids, and proteins. As mentioned earlier, the high fibre content in idli makes it easy to digest.

4. Controls Carbohydrates

Idli sambar contains enough carbohydrates and proteins to keep up your energy level for the entire day. You can also consider having idli with orange or grape juice to help burn carbohydrates more easily. It also prevents bad cholesterol in your body.

Adverse Effects of Eating Idli

Certain foods can be harmful if consumed inadequately, excessively, or against a doctor’s advice. The same applies to idlis. Hence, here are the adverse effects of eating idlis under specific conditions.

  • High in fats and carbs, fried idlis may not be a very healthy choice for people on a diet or those looking to lose weight

  • Consuming too many idlis in a day may cause problems with indigestion as it barely contains any fibre

  • Consuming too much of refined carbohydrates in idlis can lead to swift weight gain if it goes above your daily calorie threshold

  • If someone is allergic to rice, yeast, or gluten, they should avoid eating idlis

To Conclude

When you follow a healthy diet regime, you need to be sure of what you are putting into your body. One of the basic rules of a balanced diet is to consume everything in proportion. Idli’s nutrition facts prove it to be a delightful and healthy food option to add to your meal plans. However, you should avoid overeating it. 


Having idli sambar for breakfast or lunch provides enough carbohydrates and vital nutrients to function throughout the day. However, taking care of your diet is just one aspect of healthcare. If you want to remain truly protected against unexpected medical emergencies, you should think about getting a good insurance plan for you and your family. If you do not have a health insurance policy, you should look into the health plans available at Bajaj Markets.


Note: Maintaining good health can help you get lower insurance premiums in the long run as you will be at a lower risk of catching diseases and fitness-related ailments.

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FAQs on Calories in Idli

How many calories are present in an idli?

There are approximately 50-70 calories in idlis.

Can idli make you gain weight?

Although idli is a very healthy dish, consuming too much of it can cause weight gain as it is high in refined carbohydrates.

How many idlis should I eat in a day?

You should not eat more than 4 or 5 idlis in a single meal. It is also a good idea to add other foods like salads and fruits to your daily diet to get all the nutrients that your body needs.

How many calories are present in idli sambar?

One serving of idli sambar can contain between 200-300 calories.

Can I buy health insurance online?

Yes, you can find good health insurance plans on Bajaj Markets and other insurance websites and aggregators.

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