Calories in Rice

There are as many as 130 calories in rice – with a single serving of the grain offering a mix of fats, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, and protein. Consuming rice regularly promotes muscle and bone health, greatly enhances colon health, and abates the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to consuming rice on a daily basis, combining it with legumes, salads, and vegetables will offer you more well-rounded health benefits. 


Rice is a staple grain consumed by more than half of the world’s population as it is easily and readily available all around the world. The soft and chewy texture makes it possible to pair it with many other dishes such as stews and curries. 


Rice comes in several varieties, and the most common one is white rice, which is processed and polished out of whole grain. Brown rice is another variety of high-fibre, unprocessed whole grains prevalent across the globe. Different varieties of rice have varying nutritional values.

Calories in Different Foods With Rice

This table below should be helpful for understanding how many calories are there in common dishes prepared with rice.


Serving Size as per Variety of Rice


Calories in 1 cup of rice (100 gm, plain and cooked white rice)


Calories in 1 bowl of rice (233 gm, plain and cooked white rice)


Calories in 100g of rice (white, puffed rice)


Lemon Rice (100 grams)


Coconut Rice (100 grams)


Lentil Rice/Khichdi (104 grams)


Curd Rice (100 grams)


Flattened Rice/Poha (110 grams)


Rice calories in 100 grams of rice flour


If you’re looking to determine your daily calorie intake, check out this calorie calculator.


Nutritional Value of Rice

When it comes to caloric content, calories per 100 grams of rice amount to 130. Beyond the calories in rice, knowing all about its nutritional values is important as well. Hence, here are nutrition facts about 100 gms of rice. 


Rice Nutrients (100 grams)



28 grams


0 grams


2 grams


1 mg


35 mg

Did You Know That There Are Many Interesting Nutritional Facts About Rice?

  • Carbs

1 cup of white rice contains about 53 grams of carbs with only a minuscule quantity of it coming from fibre. A large part of these carbs consists of starch and a modicum of sugar. The glycemic index of white rice is 73.

  • Fat

Rice has no fat, if cooked or boiled with plain water. Adding oil or butter can infuse some amount of fat into the rice.

  • Protein

1 cup serving of cooked white rice includes 4 grams of protein.

  • Vitamins and Minerals

White rice is also an excellent source of vitamin B compounds such as thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin. It is also rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium, and manganese.

Health Benefits of Eating Rice

Rice forms a key portion of a balanced diet, especially if unprocessed, brown varieties of rice are included. These rice varieties are known to provide a host of health benefits, a few of which are listed here.

1. Preserves Bone Support and Muscle health

  • Magnesium, a key nutrient present in rice, ensures strength to bones by enabling several enzyme reactions towards the synthesis of DNA and proteins
  • These reactions are necessary for right nerve coordination and muscle contraction

2. Enhances Colon Health

  • The resistant starch available in rice helps in the formation of fatty acids that keep the colon healthy
  • These fatty acids also prevent any risk of colorectal cancer

3. Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

  • Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice is linked to a reduction in the risk of heart diseases

Adverse Effects of Eating Rice

Although rice is a staple diet enjoyed by more than half of the world’s population, it may also have negative effects for some people. A few of these effects are stated below.  


  • Individuals who are allergic to rice should completely avoid it so that they do not have any negative reactions
  • As per dieticians, eating too much rice every day without other food types can lead to quick weight gain as white rice is full of carbohydrates and almost no fibre
  • Being a stripped-down version of brown rice, white rice losses many essential nutrients and fibre content
  • Overconsumption of rice on a daily basis can lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes

Final Takeaway

Rice is undoubtedly an important part of people’s diet around the world. Almost every country and culture have their own rice-themed dishes made in combination with local ingredients. This delicious foodgrain is nutritious and provides a ton of energy. However, you also need to combine other foods to your diet such as salads, fruits, and meats in order to get all the nutrients that the body needs.  If you are serious about taking care of your health, it is also very important to secure yourself and your family against medical emergencies with a good health insurance plan. If you do not have health insurance yet, you should check out the health plans available at Bajaj Markets. Note: Maintaining good health can help you get lower insurance premiums in the long run as you will be at a lower risk of catching diseases and fitness-related ailments.



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Frequently Asked Questions About Calories in Rice

How much is the 100g rice calorie count?

There are approximately 130 calories in 100g of rice.

How many calories are there in 1 bowl of rice?

While the answer may vary depending on the size of the bowl, an average-sized rice bowl may contain anywhere between 250-350 calories.

Does rice cause weight gain?

If eaten in moderation, rice will not cause weight gain. However, overconsumption of rice can lead to weight gain, obesity, and even type 2 diabetes.

How much rice should I eat in a day?

Ideally, you should not eat more than 1 big bowl of rice in a single meal.

Does rice contain good amounts of protein?

No, rice is not a good source of protein as 100 grams of rice contains only about 2 grams of protein.

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