
Owing to the fact that cranberries are naturally tart and have a sharp, sour taste, they are rarely eaten in their raw form. Most often cranberries are consumed in the form of a juice that is, more often than not, sweetened and blended with additional fruit juices. Dried cranberries often contain added sugar. Else, they are made into powders and extracts that are added to supplements. This article will help you understand this nutrient-rich fruit that is full of fibre, minerals and vitamins.

Cranberry - Nutritional Facts

Cranberries have a number of vitamins and plant compounds. Some of these nutrients have been found to be effective in tackling urinary tract infections (or UTIs). While cranberries bring with them several nutrients, you might be wondering what they are. The table featured below makes clear the nutrients found in a single cup (or 100 grams) of raw, unsweetened cranberries.

Cranberries Nutrients

Cranberry Nutritional Value – 1 cup (100 grams)




87 %


0.4 grams


12.2 grams


4 grams


0.1 grams


4.6 grams

The Important Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Cranberries

The more prominent macronutrients and micronutrients present in this fruit include the following.

Carbohydrates and Fibre

The main nutrients found in cranberries are carbohydrates and fibre which take on the role of three sugars that are fructose, sucrose and glucose. The remainder of this fruit is composed of insoluble fibre which takes on the role of pectin, hemicellulose and pectin which pass through the gut and remain almost intact.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cranberries are packed with tons of vitamins and minerals as has been showcased below.


  • Vitamin C – This ascorbic acid is the primary antioxidant found in cranberries. Cranberry benefits for skin are owed to this vitamin which helps maintain your muscles, skin and bones.

  • Manganese – The presence of manganese in cranberries helps with growth and metabolism. It also enhances your antioxidant system.

  • Vitamin E – This vitamin provides your body with essential fat-soluble antioxidants.

  • Vitamin K1 – This vitamin is essential for blood clotting and goes by the name phylloquinone.

  • Copper – This mineral is a trace element that is barely present in Western dietary plans.

Plant Compounds

Cranberries have a number of bioactive plant compounds and antioxidants of which flavonoid polyphenols are abundant. A number of the plant compounds that cranberries contain are found in their skin. They include the following.


  • Quercetin – Cranberries happen to be the primary fruit source of this antioxidant polyphenol.

  • Myricetin – This antioxidant polyphenol is believed to have a ton of health benefits.

  • Peonidin – This is the plant compound that provides cranberries with their rich red colouring. Cranberries are one of the richest dietary sources of this compound.

  • Ursolic acid – This is a triterpene compound that is found in several traditional herbal medicines and provides anti-inflammatory effects.

  • A-type proanthocyanidins – This condensed tannin is believed to be an effective measure against urinary tract infections.

Cranberry - Health Benefits

There are many ways in which cranberries help you maintain a healthy body. Some of the more prominent health benefits associated with the consumption of this fruit have been featured below.

Cranberries Prevent Urinary Tract Infections (or UTIs)

UTIs are a very popular bacterial infection that women in particular are prone to. They are predominantly caused by Escherichia coli (or E. coli) which is an intestinal bacterium that attaches itself to the inner surface of a bladder and urinary tract. Owing to the fact that cranberries contain A-type proanthocyanidins, UTIs are effectively battled. This is because these condensed tannins prevent E. coli from sticking to the bladder and urinary tract.

Minimize the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Certain evidence gives the impression that the polyphenols found in cranberries may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is because a study showcased how cranberry supplements helped manage systolic blood pressure which is the blood pressure pertinent to a contraction of the heart muscle. Body mass index may also be lowered and high-density lipoprotein / “good” cholesterol levels may improve.

Potentially Slows Cancer Progression

Compounds in cranberries - as per a 2016 review - showed beneficial effects on cancer cells in test tubes. This was evident in the fact that they triggered the death of cancer cells and slowed down their growth. They also reduced inflammation.

Enhance Oral Health

Proanthocyanidins (or PACs) found in cranberries have been found to benefit oral health as they prevent bacteria from sticking to the surface of teeth. They may also be beneficial in the prevention of gum disease.

Excellent Moisturizer

Cranberry oil benefits your body as it provides your skin with many antioxidants that deeply penetrate into the skin and provide it with tons of hydration.

Cranberry Benefits for Hair

This fruit has significant amounts of vitamin C and A which help with the development of healthy hair. Cranberry juice can help repair hair follicles.


In India, cranberries are predominantly available in their dried form as well as in the form of cranberry juice. Owing to the fibre and sugar that this fruit provides, it can be snacked on as an energy booster.

Cranberries provide you with several health benefits. That being said, what can really protect you is a good health insurance plan as you never know when you might suffer from an accident or fall ill. In such scenarios, health insurance comes to your rescue as it provides you with coverage such that you are financially protected.



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