
While Vitamin C intake is recommended of 90mg for men and 75mg for women, it has to be ingested since our body does not naturally produce it. However, the good news is, Vitamin C is found abundantly in several fruits and vegetables. While you can also take regular supplements for your daily dose of vitamin C, eating fruits in Vitamin C is perhaps the best way to supplement it in your body. Read on to learn more about the benefits of Vitamin C, and why you should immediately start adding it to your diet if you have not already.

Benefits of Vitamin C

There are several reasons why Vitamin C is considered essential. The benefits on offer with Vitamin C make it impossible to recommend a good diet plan without including Vitamin C fruits and vegetables. Read on to learn more.

  • Reduces risk of chronic disease:

Chronic diseases are often a result of low immunity levels. One of the best ways to fight it is to maintain high immunity, and that can be ensured by eating food rich in Vitamin C. A powerful oxidant, the vitamin essentially protects the body’s cells from free radicals, which are harmful molecules and can result in chronic diseases if they accumulate. With higher consumption of Vitamin C, you are increasing the level of antioxidants in your blood and thereby, enhancing your body’s immunity against chronic diseases.

  • Helps manage high blood pressure levels:

Studies over the years have demonstrated the benefits of high blood pressure levels. Vitamin C has been found to relax blood vessels that circulate blood from the heart to the rest of the body. As a result, the blood pressure levels also drop.

Thus, Vitamin C is especially recommended for persons suffering from high blood pressure.

  • Lowers risk of heart disease:

By keeping blood pressure levels for people who are usually susceptible to high blood pressure levels, low; Vitamin C has been found to lower the risk of heart disease, which is one of the largest killers globally.

Since Vitamin C in fruits is one of the best ways to consume this essential nutrient, people with high blood pressure levels often turn to these foods to regulate their blood pressure levels. With heart diseases having one of the highest casualties, health insurance policies are also created keeping them in mind.

  • Reduces levels of blood uric acid:

High levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to people developing gout, which leads to inflammation of the joints and is a very painful kind of arthritis. Since uric acid is a waste product meant to be removed by the body, high levels of it can often crystallise and get deposited in the joints, which causes the development of gout.

Regular consumption of foods which are a rich source of Vitamin C have been found to lower the level of uric acid in the blood, and thereby, protect the person from developing gout.

  • Prevents deficiency of iron:

Iron is a mineral that our body requires at all times, since it helps make red blood cells and also helps in transporting oxygen across the entire body. A deficiency of iron can also lead to people developing anemia. Vitamin C helps prevent this, since it is rich in iron. Regular intake of foods containing Vitamin C are a great way to ensure regular consumption of iron, which protects the blood and prevents illnesses such as anemia.

Foods that are Rich in Vitamin C

Owing to the vast number of benefits offered by Vitamin C, a lot of research has been conducted on the levels of Vitamin C in fruits. Containing Vitamin C fruits and vegetables have long been a favourite with people who want to increase their consumption of this essential vitamin, and some have been listed below.

  • Guavas:

Native from South America and Mexico, guavas are again a great source of vitamin C. One guava contains 126 mg of vitamin C i.e. 140% of DV. Studies confirm that eating 400 gm of peeled guava daily helps lower BP and total cholesterol levels.

  • Peppers:

Green chillies are a great source of vitamin C as one green chilli pepper consists of 109 mg of vitamin C. Not just this, chili peppers are rich in capsaicin that is responsible for their hot taste and it may also reduce pain and inflammation.

  • Blackcurrants:

Rich in antioxidants and anthocyanins, blackcurrants are another easily available source of vitamin C, where half a cup of blackcurrants contain 101mg of vitamin C.

  • Kakadu Plums:

An Australian superfood, Kakadu Plums have gained acclaim for offering 100 times more Vitamin C than an orange. Known for having the highest concentration of Vitamin C, this superfood packs 5,300 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams.

  • Acerola Cherries:

While research is still ongoing regarding the capability of Red Acerola Cherries to fight cancer, it has long been acknowledged as having several benefits owing to its Vitamin C content, which amounts to 822 mg in just 49 grams.

  • Rose Hips:

A sweet and tangy fruit from the rose plant, rose hips are loaded with Vitamin C, which also helps in maintaining healthy skin. Per 100 grams, rose hips amount to 426 mg of Vitamin C.

Apart from these, there are some common sources of Vitamin C that are easily available for each of. These include:

  • Citrus fruit, such as oranges and orange juice

  • Broccoli

  • Strawberries

  • Potatoes

  • Brussels sprouts

How Much Vitamin C Does Your Body Need?

The best part about Vitamin C is that having too much of it will in no way affect your health. While it may cause heartburn, diarrhoea or other discomforts, it will not make a long-lasting negative impact. As a result, there are recommended levels regarding the minimum intake of Vitamin C that is required by the body. Read on to learn which applies to you.


Vitamin C (quantity)


90 mg


76 mg

Pregnant Women

85 mg

Lactating Mothers

120 mg


25 mg


Vitamin C has long been acknowledged as one of the essential nutrients that the body requires, owing to the immunity it offers. Even apart from Vitamin C, there are several nutrients that you can regularly consume to remain in good health. While nutrients do protect against the onset of diseases, health insurance policies are the ultimate safeguard for your health and wellness.



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