
Yoga is often sought after by many in order to maintain a good balance in their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Due to this, it has become the way of life for several individuals. Regular daily practice of this can be beneficial for lung function, blood circulation, cardiovascular health, muscle tone, sleep regulation, immunity, organ stimulation, memory, and mental state reinforcement, among others.


In terms of health, yoga relieves blood pressure, eases arthritis, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and increases your flexibility. However, when you have a fracture, sprain, illness, or surgery, it is recommended to avoid doing yoga. Furthermore, it is important to exercise caution when doing yoga to avoid straining any muscles or ligaments.


Learn more about the importance of doing yoga in the following sections.

Benefits of Yoga

There are countless benefits that yoga can bring to your life. Here are a few such advantages:

1. Improved blood circulation and cardiovascular health:

Yoga enhances your cardiovascular performance, blood circulation and oxygenation. This helps reduce blood pressure and eases the strain on your body, along with lower blood pressure. Doing yoga can also improve your heart endurance, organ functioning and gives you glowing skin.

2. Improved muscle tone and posture:

Yoga can be a great workout, and you gain strength, balance and muscle tone in turn. Your posture and flexibility also improve and your core becomes stronger.

3. Improved mental state:

Yoga significantly lowers stress, which helps with anxiety and depression. It also elevates your motivation and mood.

4. Improved cognitive functioning:

The importance of yoga for students can be seen in the form of sharper focus and memory that yoga and pranayama help in developing. Your brain receives more oxygen, which improves your cognitive abilities.

5. Improved lung functioning and respiration:

While doing yoga, using proper breathing techniques improves lung functioning and reduces your respiration rate. 

6. Stimulates your organs:

Yoga stimulates different systems in your body, and keeps them well-maintained. It especially has a positive effect on your gastrointestinal health, regulates digestion and boosts metabolism.

7. Better immunity:

Regularly practicing yoga helps your immune system, raises energy levels and vitality so you become more resilient against diseases and exertion.

8. Regulates sleep:

By reducing the strain on your body and mind, yoga improves your overall quality of sleep.

When Should You Not Do Yoga?

Although the importance of yoga in modern life is undeniably significant, there are certain scenarios in which it is best to skip this practice. Here’s when it is not recommended to do yoga:

  • It is better to avoid yoga after heavy meals and ensure an interval of about 2-3 hours before starting it

  • You can skip doing yoga when you are down with sickness, fatigue, fractures, sprains, or recovery from surgery

  • It may be unfit to do yoga during menstruation or for people with high blood pressure


It is advised to visit a doctor if you have any health issues while practicing yoga

How Often Should You Practice Yoga?

It is advised to practice yoga often, ideally several times a week or even daily. Daily yoga practice enhances your general health, helps you stay in good condition, and preserves your vitality and energy.


Regular practice will help you become more mentally calm and peaceful as well as enhance your immunity, posture, muscle tone, and lung function. No matter your age, regular yoga practice can be quite healthy for you. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of yoga in your daily life given all of its advantages.


Yoga is one of the best ways of ensuring holistic care for your mind and body. Its importance in our life is multifold as it significantly contributes to mental, physical and spiritual health. There is a variety of asanas that focus on a particular physical system or organ, and you can customise your practise sessions according to your needs.


However, despite such efforts, health problems may still occur, giving you physical, mental as well as financial strain. This is why it is recommended to get health insurance cover to ensure that you are covered for such expenses. Get yours today on Bajaj Markets!

FAQs on Importance of Yoga

What are the physical benefits of yoga?

A few physical benefits are improved circulation, cardiovascular health, strength and tone, lung functioning, flexibility and digestion.

What are the benefits of yoga on mental health?

Some of the benefits of yoga on mental health are improved concentration, memory, clarity and reduced stress or anxiety.

How often should you practice yoga?

It is recommended to practice yoga either daily or several times a week in order to make the most out of it.

When is Yoga Day celebrated?

June 21 is considered to be the international Yoga Day, ever since 2015.

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