
Low calorie Indian food includes a vast range of vegetables and fruits, legumes, dairy products, protein-rich foods, nuts and seeds and whole grains. You can have a full-fledged seven day diet-chart based on these low calorie Indian foods while avoiding products such as sweetened beverages, foods with high sugar content, junk foods, trans fats and refined oil. Low calorie food is often preferred for health reasons or for weight loss purposes. You can have a balanced diet for weight loss by keeping your calorie intake at 1200 calories per day.

The Best Indian Diet for Weight Loss

The weight-loss realm is surrounded by zillions of myths and misunderstandings. Most people believe that intermittent fasting, a ten-week diet, health supplements, or pills will help them lose weight quickly. However, the reality is a lot different. One of the most prominent things that will help you lose weight is a balanced diet. Ideally, it is the diet you have been accustomed to since birth. That’s right! You no longer need a fancy diet chart to lose weight.


Our daily meals include several nutritious food choices such as whole grains, lentils, healthy fats, vegetables, dairy, and fruits. Additionally, many traditional Indian spices and herbs contain healthy properties. Basically, Indian meals are effective for weight loss, especially if blended with the 1,200-calorie diet plan. Continue reading to know the low-cal Indian food that is very effective for weight loss.

1,200-Calorie Diet Plan: Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss

As we all know, no single food item provides us with all the nutrients that our body needs to stay healthy. Hence, a balanced diet is a combination of several macronutrients and micronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, an ideal diet plan is a subjective concept. The right diet plan primarily depends on the individual and the diet they have been following since childhood.


The geography of one’s upbringing also plays a vital role, as the diet for someone belonging to North India will vary from that of someone from South India. On the other hand, an individual’s meal preferences are also considered (vegetarian, non-vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant, etc.). Hence, following diet plans like intermittent fasting, keto diet, paleo diet, etc. is usually not advisable. One must create a diet plan based on the eating habits followed as a kid. However, we can help you identify the types of food you can eat and not eat. So, read on!

Healthy Foods to be Included in Your Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

While an Indian diet plan can help you lose weight, it is imperative to know the types of food you can consume to achieve your desired weight. Here are a few healthy foods you can include in your diet:

  • Vegetables and Fruits

Tomatoes, spinach, okra, cabbage, mushroom, papaya, pomegranate, guava, apples, etc., as they are some of the best sources of vitamins and other nutrients.

  • Legumes

Beans such as mung, black-eyed beans, kidney beans, lentils, pulses, and chickpeas form a vital part of most Indian diets.

  • Dairy Products

Buttermilk, ghee, curd, cheese, ghee, kefir, etc.

  • Protein-Rich Foods

Meat, tofu, legumes, dairy nuts, and seeds.

  • Nuts and Seeds

Cashews, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, dried figs, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, etc.

  • Whole Grains

Brown rice, basmati rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, corn, whole-grain bread, sorghum, etc

  • Healthy Fats

Coconut milk, full-fat dairy, avocado, coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, peanut butter, sesame oil, ghee, etc.


READ MORE: balanced diet chart


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Drinks to Include in Your Diet Plan

The best way to control excessive calorie and sugar intake is to avoid beverages and juices with added sugar. Sweetened drinks can be high in calories, which could cause the opposite effect. Here’s what you can drink during your weight loss journey:

  • Water

  • Sparkling water

  • Unsweetened tea

Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Make sure that you consult a nutritionist before following this seven-day Indian diet routine.

1,200-Calorie Diet Plan / 7-Day Indian Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Day 1




  • Cucumber water

  • Oats porridge in skimmed milk

  • Mixed nuts

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/Chapati, Dal, and Sabzi

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/Chapati, Dal, and Sabzi

Day 2

  • Cucumber water

  • Curd

  • Mixed vegetable stuffed roti/chapati

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Rice and curry

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/Chapati, sautéed vegetables, and paneer

Day 3

  • Cucumber water

  • Skim milk yogurt

  • Multigrain toast

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Sautéed vegetables with paneer and roti/chapati

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Rice and curry

Day 4

  • Cucumber water

  • Fruits and nuts yogurt smoothie

  • Egg omelet

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/chapati with green gram whole dal and sabzi

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Rice and sabzi

Day 5

  • Cucumber water

  • Skimmed milk

  • Peas Poha

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/chapati and curry

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti, Curd, and Sabzi

Day 6

  • Cucumber water

  • Idli Sambar

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti, Curd, and Sabzi

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/chapati with green gram whole dal and sabzi

Day 7

  • Cucumber water

  • Besan Chilla and Chutney

  • Skimmed milk paneer

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Rice and curry

  • Buttermilk

  • Fresh fruits


  • Tea/Coffee with minimal or no sugar

  • Mixed vegetable salad

  • Roti/chapati and curry

Unhealthy Foods to Avoid on Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Avoid consuming the following foods if you want to successfully lose weight:

  • Sweetened Beverages

Soda, sweetened tea, and sports/energy drinks.

  • Foods with High Sugar Content

Candy, ice cream, cookies, rice pudding, cakes, digestive biscuits, etc.

  • Junk Foods

Fast food like french fries, chips, fried food items, burgers, etc.

  • Trans Fats

Margarine, vanaspati, fast food, highly processed food items, etc.

  • Refined Oil

Canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, and grapeseed oil.


If you follow a strict weight-loss regime, know that you can occasionally enjoy a cheat meal. However, avoiding the unhealthy food options mentioned above will help you lead an overall healthy life.

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Indian Weight Loss Diet Tips

The below Indian weight loss tips may come in handy during your weight loss journey:

  • Move Around

Following a strict Indian diet chart for weight loss will help you accomplish 80-90% of your weight loss journey. Thus, you must follow a workout routine and healthy diet plan. Look for activities that you enjoy, whether it's a sport or working out at the gym. You can also increase the number of steps (around 10,000 steps daily) you walk daily, especially if you do not have a dedicated workout plan to follow yet.


  • Practice Mindful Eating Habits

People usually do not have a definite routine for consuming their meals. We often tend to eat our food on the go. Well, if you are on a weight-loss journey, these habits have to go! You need to understand and pay attention to feelings of actual hunger and eating when bored. This will help you attune your body and allow you to adhere to your weight loss regime.


  • Set Goals

Continuing your weight loss journey can be challenging for many people. Therefore, it is best to set small and realistic goals to be achieved in the near future. Focusing on one step at a time will allow you to stick to your weight loss regime without being overwhelmed by the entire process. It is also important to note that each body type is unique and, thus, the overall period to lose weight can be different for different people. So, do not be disheartened by slow progress and continue making smart diet and lifestyle changes.

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Keep Your Weight in Check with a BMI Calculator

Along with keeping track of your diet and exercises, also maintain your weight chart over time. You can use the BMI calculator to determine whether you fall under the healthy weight category or not. The average healthy body weight (BMI) range is between 18 and 24.9. So, instead of calculating the BMI manually, you can use the BMI calculator for instant results.

Final Takeaway

Being overweight or obese can lead to several health concerns, and most weight-related issues can be critical. Therefore, it is essential to follow a balanced diet, workout regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Besides, you never know when a medical emergency may arise and cause financial stress. A comprehensive health insurance plan provides financial assistance to you and your family during medical emergencies.

Health insurance plans available on Bajaj Markets cater to individuals and families. You can choose a plan that suits your needs and affordability. Moreover, you can benefit from features such as extensive coverage, cashless claim settlements, hassle-free renewals, and more. So, check out our health insurance plans today!



BMI Calculator | Calorie Calculator | BMR Calculator

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FAQs on Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Should I weigh myself often?

Usually, people who are on a weight-loss regime/diet avoid weighing themselves often. However, stepping on the weighing scale once a week can help you track your weight-loss journey over time and build awareness. But please do not get overwhelmed if your weight fluctuates, as it can also be due to changes in the water weight of the body.

How long does it take for the weight-loss regime to show its results?

The weight loss journey looks different for different people. While some may show results immediately after a few weeks, others can take some time for the same. Hence, plan a weight loss and workout regime based on your body type to see results.

What kind of fats should I cut down on to lose weight?

It is best to cut down on saturated fats to lose weight healthily.

Is it true that drinking water before meals helps you lose weight faster?

Yes. Drinking water before meals makes you consume less food, eventually allowing you to lose more weight.

How can I lose weight by following an Indian diet chart?

The 7-day Indian diet chart explained in the article above is an effective meal plan for Indians to lose weight. However, please check with your doctor or nutritionist before following any Indian diet plan online.

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