Health Benefits of Sweet Corn

Corn can be waxy corn, sweet corn, field corn, flint corn, and amylomaize. Of these, sweet corn is very popular and included in different kinds of diets. Sweet corn has several health benefits since it is full of antioxidants, fibre, minerals, and vitamins. The high fibre content in sweet corn aids in digestion. This fibre-rich food also helps decrease the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and bowel cancer. Additionally, the dietary fibre in the sweet corn helps you stay full for longer.

Sweet Corn - Nutritional Facts

The nutritional benefits and health value of sweet corn are comparable to any other cereal grain. They have plenty of fibre and minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Those eager to learn the nutritional profile of sweet corn will be happy to find the information in the table below. It makes clear the nutrients found in 100 grams (or 3.5 ounces) of sweet corn. 

Corn Nutrients

Corn Nutritional Value – 100 grams (3.5 ounces)




73 %


3.4 grams


21 grams


4.5 grams


1.5 grams


2.4 grams


10 % of the recommended daily value (or RDV)


1.770 milligrams

Pantothenic acid

0.717 milligrams


0.093 milligrams


0.055 milligrams


0.155 milligrams

Vitamin A

6 % of the RDA

Vitamin C

6.8 milligrams

Vitamin E

0.07 milligrams

Vitamin K

2 % of the RDA


2 milligrams


0.054 milligrams


0.52 milligrams


37 milligrams


0.163 milligrams


1 % of the RDA


0.46 milligrams

The Important Macronutrients and Micronutrients in Sweet Corn

The more prominent macronutrients and micronutrients present in sweet corn include the following:


Like many other cereal grains, sweet corn is packed with several carbohydrates. This grain has a significant amount of sugar, most of which is sucrose. Despite this sugar, sweet corn does not have a high glycaemic index, which instead ranges between low to medium. The glycaemic index helps you understand how fast carbohydrates are digested. Foods that are high on this index may potentially result in an unhealthy rise in blood sugar levels. Sweet corn has a low starch composition, unlike other varieties of corn.


There is a fairly significant amount of fibre in sweet corn. Insoluble fibres such as lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose form the predominant fibres.


Sweet corn packs in a fair amount of protein which amounts to approximately 3 percent per 100 grams of sweet corn. The primary form of protein found in sweet corn is zein.


Sweet corn is rich in several vitamins, including pantothenic acid, niacin, folates, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. It also contains thiamine and the vitamins A, C, E, and K.


Sweet corn has a small percentage of sodium and potassium. They amount to 15 milligrams and 270 milligrams respectively per 100 grams of sweet corn.


Minerals found within sweetcorn include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc.

Sweet Corn - Health Benefits

The health benefits associated with the consumption of sweet corn are worth noting.

Great for Those with Celiac Disease

Sweet corn can be safely consumed by those who have celiac disease because it is a gluten-free cereal.

Improves Blood Sugar Levels

Sweet corn is one of the best sources of dietary fibres and has slow-digesting complex carbohydrates, which allow it to regulate a slow-paced increase in blood sugar levels.

Sweet Corn Benefits for Skin

Sweet corn, particularly the yellow variety, has superior levels of phenolic flavonoid pigment antioxidants in addition to vitamin A. Each of these nutrients contributes to good mucosa, vision, and skin.

May Protect Against Cancer

Sweet corn has several flavonoids that prevent the occurrence of lung and oral cavity cancer.

Corn Prevents Haemorrhoids

Corn is good for bowel movement because it contains fibre and can help prevent various digestive problems, including constipation and haemorrhoids.

Corn Promotes Growth

Corn facilitates growth as it is rich in vitamin B constituents, including niacin and thiamine. The former helps with cognitive functions, while the latter helps enhance nerve health. As a result, corn can help prevent issues like dementia and dermatitis.

Keeps Cancer at Bay

Since corn is rich in antioxidants, it helps keep cancer-causing free radicals at bay. It also induces apoptosis in cancer cells, leaving healthy cells unaffected.

Sweet Corn for Weight Loss

Sweet corn has a fair amount of B-complex vitamins, including thiamine and niacin and folates, pyridoxine, and riboflavin. Each of these nutrients helps with metabolism and may consequently help with weight management and weight loss.


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Sweet corn is an inexpensive and readily available cereal grain. It is available throughout the year and can be eaten fresh off the cob or packaged. It is a rich source of nutrients and can help usher in good health, thus preventing health issues. Similarly, a stable financial standing is important during medical emergencies. A good health insurance policy can provide you with an additional layer of protection as it provides coverage in instances of the policyholder falling ill or suffering from an injury.



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