About Toilet Hygiene

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the importance of hygiene and sterilisation has increased tenfold. Multiple studies have shown that maintaining hygiene and taking precautions can help you reduce the risk of catching illnesses. One of the most important forms of maintaining personal cleanliness is toilet hygiene. Toilets are susceptible to contamination and resultant infections. In this article, we’ll take a look at why and how you should effectively implement toilet hygiene in your life.


Consequences of Having an Unhygienic Restroom

For individuals living in a close-knit community, toilet hygiene is of the utmost importance. Disease prevention becomes increasingly essential if certain affected individuals are living in the same environment as well. The absence of sanitation can result in many medically dangerous situations. Given below are a few examples.

  • An unclean toilet can significantly contribute to infecting the environment around.

  • Infected individuals can contaminate others living with them by sharing the same toilet facilities. This can lead to them picking up several water-borne diseases including diarrhoea, cholera, etc.

  • Just as you should avoid sharing clothing, food or water with carriers of communicable disease germs, avoid sharing toilets as well, as there is a risk that one person’s infections can spread to other members of the family.

How to Improve Your Toilet Hygiene

If proper personal toilet hygiene is not implemented, there is a chance that you and your family may end up sick as a result of infections. The spaces where you spend the most amount of time should be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Read on to learn about the best ways to maintain adequate toilet hygiene.

  1. All parts of the toilet must be thoroughly cleaned with hot water and soap. This will keep germs away. Using a disinfectant is ideal as it will kill the germs entirely. Make sure to disinfect the toilet seat, handle and rim thoroughly.

  2. Toilet surfaces must be kept dry at all times. Moist surfaces allow germs to thrive and spread, and thereby contaminate people.

  3. The tools used for cleaning toilets, such as mops and clothes, must also be disinfected after each use to prevent germs collected from the toilet from spreading to other areas. Or, you can also use disposable paper and cloth towels, which must be disposed of after one use.

  4. Flushing to keep the U-bend and toilet bowl clean after every use is important to maintaining overall toilet hygiene.

  5. Every few days, use a toilet cleaner and brush to thoroughly clean the toilet surfaces.

  6. Baths and sinks in the toilet must be cleaned and disinfected regularly, to prevent the collection of water and the resultant spread of water-borne diseases.

  7. While using a shower that has not been used in a while, it must first be run with hot water before use.

What to do When Using Public Toilets

Often, while travelling or even when you are out of the office at work, it becomes necessary to use public toilets. Though extremely useful, public toilets are also one of the most frequent causes behind the spread of diseases. It is important to use public toilets carefully and prevent contamination from them. Here are some restroom hygiene precautions you should take while using public toilets.

  1. Before using the toilet, wipe down the seat and surrounding areas with clean toilet paper. If you are carrying antibacterial wipes, you should use those instead. Make sure the toilet seat is hygienic before using it.

  2. After using the toilet, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. You can use soap while washing your hands or a sanitiser after washing for extra protection.

  3. Always make sure to have an antibacterial hand sanitiser with you, which you should use after using the toilet. These toilet hygiene products will come in handy when you are travelling and are forced to use public toilets.

Final Takeaway

The washroom hygiene tips mentioned above are aimed at disease control and prevention of contamination through germs in the air and water around us. However, maintaining proper hygiene is just one part of the process to keep yourself and your family protected. Another important pre-emptive measure you can take is to opt for comprehensive health insurance for you and your loved ones.

The best health insurance plans will cover a significant portion of your treatment and medical costs, and also enable you to take regular health check-ups to stay aware of your health conditions. You can check out the various health insurance plans available at Bajaj Markets and take advantage of benefits such as cashless claim settlements, a wide range of network hospitals across the country, swift renewals and much more. 



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FAQs on Toilet Hygiene

How do you maintain hygiene in a toilet?

You can follow the given steps to keep your toilet clean and hygienic:

  1. Clean your toilet with a disinfectant every 2-3 days

  2. Keep the surfaces in your toilet dry

  3. Always flush the toilet after using it



What is simple toilet hygiene?

Here are some simple toilet hygiene tips:

  1. Put down the toilet seat before using it

  2. Make sure the toilet is completely clean before using it to minimise the risk of exposure to germs

  3. Always wash your hands with soap or sanitiser after you are done using the toilet


How do I prevent toilet infections?

You can prevent toilet infections by regularly cleaning and sanitising your toilets. If you have to use a public toilet, sanitise it before using it and put down tissue papers on the toilet before using.


Can you get sick from a toilet seat?

There are often many germs and microorganisms on toilet seats that can cause infections or sickness. This is why maintaining toilet hygiene is extremely important.


What diseases can you get from a dirty toilet?

Some dangerous diseases you can get from using a dirty toilet include E Coli, Salmonella, Hepatitis A and B, Rotavirus and many more.


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