What are Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough?

Tulsi is a typical ayurvedic medicine for cough. In Ayurveda, Tulsi is called "the Goddess of herbs". You can make a cup of Tulsi tea as a natural cough cure. You can also add ginger, cloves, and cardamom to it. Herbs like ginger are frequently used in Ayurvedic therapy. It includes a variety of active substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. About 30 grams of sliced ginger, 2-3 pieces of cloves, an inch of cardamom stick, 2 tsp of honey, and a few petals of tulsi in hot water, stir it for 5 minutes or more. It is a magical drink that not only cures cough but also boosts immunity. Read more to find out about the detailed ayurvedic remedies for cough.


Practiced even today, Ayurvedic medicine is widely acknowledged to have far-reaching curative effects for a host of medical conditions, from a cough and a common cold to relief from certain side effects of cancer medication. Early records of Ayurvedic medicine for cough come from ancient Hindu books, the Vedas. Written more than 3,000 years ago, these texts have credence today, and Ayurvedic medicine to treat ailments is popular. Practitioners who deal with Ayurveda are used to treat issues of health holistically. The approach not only uses herbal treatment, but exercises (some to do with yoga) and changes in your lifestyle.


Based on the stringent belief that the universe is composed of the elements that are the keys to all life, air, fire, space, water, and earth, Ayurveda claims that these vitally form ‘doshas’ in your body. When imbalanced, these result in illness. Many dietary changes, such as the inclusion of certain herbs in your everyday diet, contribute to the management of a cough.

How Does Ayurveda Treat a Cough?

There are kinds of coughs from dry to coughs with phlegm, and correspondingly different ways in which Ayurvedic medicine for cough is used. Here are the distinctions and treatments from Ayurveda:

  • Ayurveda for a Dry Cough

A dry cough is also known as an unproductive cough. This type of cough doesn’t produce mucus/phlegm. It could be a cough on its own, or part of a symptom of asthma, the common cold, pollution and allergens. Basil/tulsi (considered Holy), is a common treatment for a dry cough. Specifically, tulsi tea infusions can bring you relief, thwarting any irritation.

  • Ayurveda for a Cough with Phlegm

Unlike Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough, medicine for a wet or productive cough that occurs with phlegm build-up requires a remedy to curb inflammation. Ginger has been known to contain many compounds that actively have anti-inflammatory components and antioxidants too. The positive effects of ginger on smooth muscle cells of the throat have been widely documented in research. Moreover, ginger acts as muscle relaxant for the muscles of the throat. Most people have ginger tea, as a daily ritual, to prevent any throat ailments.

  • Ayurveda for a Cough with a Sore Throat

Licorice root application on a sore throat, applied as a topical ointment, can be an efficient remedy for a sore throat. It not only relieves the soreness and irritation, but also takes away the pain associated with a sore throat.

Why Should You Embrace an Ayurvedic Cough Syrup?

There is no harm in taking Ayurvedic cough syrup. In fact, as there are practically no side effects, it can only have benefits for you.

Here’s why you should embrace cough syrup made with Ayurvedic ingredients:

  • It is safe and effective since natural substances are used.

  • Most Ayurvedic syrups contain a herb called pippali. This is efficacious in ridding you of congestion if you have a productive cough with phlegm. By making the mucus loose, it helps you to cough it right out. This is due to the fact that it is an expectorant.

  • Cough Remedy Ingredients - Popular cough syrups made with Ayurvedic ingredients contain a blend of tulsi, shunthi, mint, ginger, honey and more. These main ingredients soothe the throat and bring you relief, without any side effects.

  • It tastes good. Usually, cough syrups of the Ayurvedic kind taste quite pleasing because of their natural ingredients.

  • It doesn’t make you drowsy. Normal cough syrups, other than the Ayruvedic kind, make you feel drowsy as they have a sedative quality. Ayurvedic medicine for cough doesn’t make you feel sleepy or drowsy, so you can take it during the day.


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Side-effects of Cough Syrups or Medicines

Specific Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough and cough with phlegm may have side effects if taken along with traditional allopathic medication. For instance, a herb called Triphala causes abdominal disturbances and diarrhea, especially in high doses. If they do cause side effects, Ayurvedic medicines affect the digestive system, causing stomach issues.

What are the Ayurvedic home remedies for a cough?

Herbs are used along with each other in Ayurvedic medicine. Here are some effective Ayurvedic home remedies for a cough:

  • Tulsi -

Tulsi leaves can be chewed raw and helps to rid your body of mucus due to a cough. You can boil some water, adding leaves to make tulsi kadha. Add a teaspoon of ginger (grated) and 4 peppercorns. Boil together and add a pinch of salt. Squeeze a lemon and drink when warm

  • Honey -

The value of honey is immense as you can just take a teaspoon of it or add it to warm water and turmeric (antiseptic properties). Taken at night, it helps relieve symptoms and helps you sleep better. You can mix honey with Pippali too.

  • Mulethi/Licorice -

With an expectorant property, Mulethi thins the mucus inside your airways, helping you to expel your cough. Add the root (crushed) to boiling water and drink it.

  • Pippali -

This is an expectorant that makes mucus loose and makes you cough more.

Important Takeaway

Ayurvedic medicines have positive effects in the relief of coughs. They are known to be generally safe. If you suffer from frequent cough ailments or have chronic conditions that result in coughs, you know the plight of dealing with health expenses. Here’s when a health insurance policy helps.

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