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Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a measurement of the amount of calories that your body requires for basic and essential functions. A BMR calculator is a free online tool that allows you to quickly determine what your Basal Metabolic Rate is. It takes into account factors such as your gender, a.....


Height-Weight Chart for Women and Men

Height-weight chart shows whether your weight is proportional to your height. It is often considered a measure of a person's health. The height-weight chart holds greater significance among children as it is considered a benchmark of their overall development and growth. 




What is Personal Hygiene?

Types of Personal Hygiene

There are multiple different types of hygiene practices that you should look to incorporate into your daily routine. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most important practices. 

1. Hand Hygiene

Let’s face it. You touch several things.....


Tips to Lower BMI

Reducing weight is key to bringing down your BMI. In case you’re wondering how to go about this, you can follow various measures such as reducing the intake of junk and processed foods and setting realistic targets for weight loss. You can also follow a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetab.....


Home Remedies for Headache

Headache is one of the most common pains that people suffer from often. While most tend to reach out to over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers to cure their headaches, what if we tell you that there are several ways to do so naturally? Before we jump into learning about these home remedies, it is bes.....


Home Remedies for Sore Throat, Cough & Cold

A cough can be an involuntary or voluntary act to clear the throat. In most cases, a person suffering from a cough can recover without medical attention. On the other hand, a cough can be one of the most prominent symptoms of serious illnesses caused due to allergies, viral infections, and bacter.....


Importance of Mental Health Awareness

The importance of mental health awareness is being recognised by a large number of people across India. Millions of people in the country suffer from mental illnesses without even being aware of them. According to a study, at least 6.5 % of India’s population suffers from some form of serious men.....


Everything You Need to Know about Anger Management

Anger is a perfectly natural, normal human emotion. It can occur as the result of antagonism towards someone. Although it is often described as an ugly emotion, anger can be a healthy way of expressing feelings that are negative.

However, anger that is not controlled can become destructiv.....


Aromatherapy - Here is Everything You Need to Know

Only if aroma could help you heal! Wait, it actually does and this is what the entire stream of aromatherapy is all about. Termed as an elusive and non-invasive form of healing, Aromatherapy concerns using essential oils as the base to ailment remediation. While in some cases it is still advocate.....


What is the Difference Between Covaxin & Covishield?

The COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020 in India. It's been two years and the nation is still fighting this deadly virus. Millions of people lost their lives because of this virus. The pandemic has affected our lives in multiple ways. Avoiding public gatherings, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, a.....


Tips to Boost your Mental and Physical Health while Working from Home

Did you become a remote worker recently? If yes, you're not alone. There are around millions of workers who have set up their offices at home because of the pandemic. While a cozy, structured workspace and a daily schedule are provided by your office work environment, working from home today defi.....


Healthy Lifestyle - Here is Everything You Need to Know

The concept of a healthy lifestyle might seem a little vague to some when it is pretty basic and straightforward. Provided you aren’t paying much heed to the literal meaning, a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that inspires well-being instead of promoting it in the first place. A healthy life.....


Water - Health Benefits and Daily Intake

Approximately 60% of your total body weight consists of water. Water is life, and we need it for practically each and every bodily function. Not only does it transport nutrients to cells, and aid in digestion, but it also acts as cushioning for joints and flushes out toxins. Without sufficient wa.....


Healthy Sleep Habits

  • A sleep problem is a condition that affects your capacity to get adequate good sleep on a regular basis. Many of us have trouble sleeping from time to time. Stress, travel, illness, or other temporary disruptions to your typical routine are the most common causes. However, if you have t.....


How to Identify the Early Signs of a Heart Attack

The global health narrative took a massive hit during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. People grew panicked and paranoid about the limited availability of healthcare facilities. Those without health insurance suffered from hefty medical bills that left scores of people in debt. The no.....


How to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Every year, thousands of people vow to follow a strict and restrictive lifestyle to acquire the coveted fit body of their dreams. They try to stick to stringent diets and exercise routines, load up on proteins and purchase fancy gym memberships. Unfortunately, many people fall behind in the race .....


How to Boost Immune System Naturally

The immune system is the body’s first line of defence against invasion by microorganisms and foreigh materials. The system is made up of an elaborate conglomerate of cells, chemicals, and tissues distributed throughout the body. When any of these components come into contact with any cells or sub.....


Parenting Tips for New Parents

It is often said amongst the Indian culture that children are a gift from God. Once you become a parent, you are not just blessed with a child, but also take on many responsibilities. Parents need to focus on the development of their children to ensure that they turn out to be responsible and con.....


Preventive Health Care Tips

Preventive health care is a type of health care aimed at changing the emphasis of health care from medical treatment to ensuring and sustaining good health and well-being. It works before you fall sick, and tries the best to avoid or at least delay infections and disease.




Self Care Tips

You've certainly seen the term 'self-care' used a lot off late. It's been a hot topic in the media and in personal development circles. However, a lot of individuals find it hard to grasp exactly what it is. Self-care is being as kind to yourself as you would be to someone you love. It requires n.....


How to Stay Mentally Healthy

Being healthy means different things to different people. Six-pack abs to a fitness freak who spends hours at the gym or size zero to actresses who want to look fab in the film or agility to sportspersons who are determined to bring laurels to the country. The bottom line, however, is that being .....


What is Positive Parenting

Children learn from what they see you (the parents) do in your day-to-day life. For your child, you are their first role model.


Parents play a significant role in their child’s upbringing and well-being. Right from an early stage in life, your child’s well-being is influenc.....


What is Self Care?

One of the most commonly used yet misunderstood aspects is the understanding of what is self care. The approach to self care for many include 'taking care of themselves better', which more often does not work. When scrutinizing the self care meaning, self care is often confused with self improvem.....


Smallpox Vaccine

Smallpox infections are caused by a variola major virus, and the symptoms include sore throat, headache, vomiting, and fever, among others. In a few days, raised rashes will be visible on the face and body, and in the third week, scabs will occur and get detached from the skin. The smallpox vacci.....


Rabies Vaccine - Effectiveness, Side Effects & Cost

Rabies is a fatal disease transferred through infected animals and can have severe repercussions. The rabies vaccine is not only limited to people in direct contact with animals. An infected animal can bite anyone at any point. So, it is always better to immunize yourself from the fatal disease b.....


What is Influenza Vaccine ?

The Influenza Vaccine is given to protect you and your loved ones from infections caused by the influenza virus. Some of the symptoms of the flu are fever, cold, runny nose, etc. This vaccine is given to minimise the complications of respiratory infections. 


It is administered b.....


Hepatitis B Vaccine - What You Need to Know

Hepatitis B is spread by the hepatitis B virus, it is highly contagious and affects the liver. If the disease is not checked at earlier stages, it can be detrimental. You can protect your health by administering the hepatitis B vaccine.


Infection can cause symptoms like fev.....


Pneumonia Vaccine - Price & Side Effects

The bacteria ‘streptococcus pneumoniae’ causes pneumococcal infections like pneumonia, blood poisoning and meningitis. If not checked on time, this can lead to organ damage, lung abscess, etc. The pneumonia vaccine is given to prevent pneumonia and it stimulates the immune system to produce antib.....


What is DPT Vaccine?

DPT Vaccine combines three vaccines, diphtheria, and tetanus toxoids, adsorbed with the pertussis vaccine. It protects you against three contagious diseases – Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis, which cause breathing difficulties and other complications if they are not appropriately treated. Gene.....


Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)

The polio virus attacks the patient's nervous system, and this may lead to paralysis or even death if not checked. The oral polio vaccine is generally given to children and newborns upto the age of 5 years.It should not be given to adults and immunosuppressed children. The World Health Organisati.....


HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine)

The increasing cases of cervical cancer caused due to the human papillomavirus have brought about the human papillomavirus vaccine. This vaccine is important to reduce the risk and protect individuals from cervical cancer in India. It helps the human body to improve its immunity by producing anti.....


MMR Vaccine

MMR vaccine, or the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine, protects against the three infectious diseases. MMR is a weakened live virus vaccine that helps develop immunity through active immunisation. Children between the age of 1-12 years are required to take this vaccine to effectively prevent me.....


What is Rotavirus Vaccine?

Rotavirus is a fatal and highly infectious virus that affects infants and newborns. Symptoms of this viral infection include nausea, vomiting, high fever, abdominal pain, and loose, watery stools leading to diarrhoea. If not hospitalised and treated well, it could lead to death. Rotavirus vaccine.....


Diabetes - Prevention and Treatment

Diabetes is a disorder in which people are not producing enough insulin to fulfill the needs of their body. Insulin is essential because the glucose, simple sugar, moves out of the blood into the body's cells.


How to Prevent Cancer

A report by the National Cancer Registry programme this year estimated a total of 13.9 lakh cancer cases in India. Given that this number is all set to rise to 15.7 lakh, 5 years from now, it becomes imperative to formulate a strategy on how to prevent cancer. Tobacco consumption topped the cance.....


Malaria Prevention and Treatment

Malaria is a parasite-caused illness. The parasite is passed on through the bites of infected mosquitoes to humans. For centuries, malaria has been a concern in India. The socio-economic effect is catastrophic for affected countries, which are, for the most part, developing, poor and tropical. Th.....


Importance of Work Life Balance

Work-life balance is defined by how employees manage their time both at and away from work. Relationships, family duties, hobbies and other extra interests may take up time outside of work. The ways a person uses to juggle all of their professional and personal obligations are referred to as work.....


CKD - Stages, Causes and Treatment

According to studies done in India in 2018 on ckd (ckd full form - Chronic Kidney Disease), the prevalence of ckd in India ranges from 1-13% based on location. Furthermore, a stage-wise breakdown was provided that showed that those with stage 1 of ckd showed a 7% prevalence of the disease, stages.....


Body Mass Index - Advantages & Disadvantages

Importance of BMI Measurements

The Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement is used to determine the body fat in an individual. The calculations are done based on one’s height and weight. In fact, a BMI calculator is used to calculate the value and the tool is readily available online.


What is Body Mass Index

The most basic definition of obesity or overweight is having extra body fat to the extent that it becomes a potential health risk and BMI is a reliable way to find out if the person has too much body fat.


Beriberi - Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Beriberi is a disease that’s caused due to severe deficiency in thiamin, which is also known as vitamin B1. The word has been derived from the Sinhalese language and translates to ‘extreme weakness’, which is the primary symptom of this disease. Other symptoms that individuals with this disease e.....


All About Calcium Deficiency - Symptoms, Diseases & Remedies

Calcium deficiency affects a person's bone health. It causes hypocalcemia, rickets, tooth decay, cataract, etc. Some of the common symptoms of calcium deficiency are; muscle spasms, memory loss, numbness in hands and feet, bones getting fractured easily, seizures, etc Though the main cause of cal.....


Allergy Cough: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

An allergy cough may start off like a regular cough, but it persists until the source of the allergy is treated. The most common symptoms of an allergy cough are that it is long-lasting, comes on suddenly, and may occur at any time of the year rather than just during winter. Allergy coughs may al.....


Everything You Need to Know About Oral Infection

An oral infection is an infection that occurs anywhere in the mouth, such as on your gums, tongue or lips. Having an oral infection can make it tough to eat, talk or even yawn. There are many factors that could cause oral infections, such as injury from biting your tongue or cheek, injury wh.....


Why is World AIDS Day Celebrated on 1st December?

Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day encourages people and organisations to come together to raise awareness and speak against the stigma around HIV/AIDS. On December 1 of every year, World AIDS Day is observed to show support for the individuals living with HIV and commemorate the ones who lost their.....


What is Insomnia and its Risk Factors?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder where one is unable to fall asleep or constantly wakes up during the night. There can be short-term insomnia or chronic insomnia depending on the symptoms. The symptoms generally include difficulty falling asleep, constant exhaustion, moodiness, unable to focus, and p.....


Stress Management- 4 A’s To Coping With Stress

Psychotherapies and techniques that aim to control stress levels with the objective of improving everyday functioning are referred to as stress management. Psychological or physical stress can have a negative impact on your emotional as well as physical health. Hence managing or coping with stres.....


Viral Fever Symptoms

Viral fever is a very common ailment today, it is caused by a virus leading to either low-grade fever causing common cold or flu. Whereas the high-grade fever (103 F) causes dengue. The viral fever symptoms are nasal and chest congestion, sore throat, runny nose, loss of appetite, etc. As antibio.....


Prevention & Home Remedies for Boils

Boils are tender and painful lumps that may often be pus-filled. They typically occur under the skin and may be caused by infected or inflamed hair follicles. Boils may begin as red lumps and gradually grow in size as they become more inflamed. 


To prevent the formatio.....


Vitamin D Deficiency - Causes & Treatment

The lack of enough vitamin D causes a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays a vital role in building your bones and muscles and maintaining and repairing cells. 


The common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are a pain in the lower back and joints, loss of bone density, .....


E Coli Urine Infection – Symptoms and Treatment

Your intestine could potentially house Escherichia coli, or E. Coli. This bacteria can occasionally result in urinary tract infections, or UTIs. Bladder bloating, low volume but frequent urine, pelvic pain, and burning sensation during urination are some of the regularly observed symptoms of this.....


What is Phimosis?

A condition in which the foreskin of the penis cannot be retracted or pulled back is referred to as phimosis. It is usually found in uncircumcised children and adults. In the case of baby boys, it is resolved naturally by the age of 3. The penis of a male with phimosis will appear to have rings a.....


Paralysis - Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The permanent failure of some muscles to work causes paralysis, this happens due to injuries to the brain or spinal cord or due to multiple sclerosis, strokes, etc. The most common symptoms are loss of sensation in the affected area, reduced motor functioning, losing the ability to talk, etc. 


H Pylori Infection - Symptoms & Treatment

H. Pylori  also known as Helicobacter Pylori is a bacteria residing in your stomach lining or the upper area of the small intestine. Some of the common symptoms of H. Pylori are a burning sensation in the stomach or intestinal area, burping too often than before, nausea and also bloating of .....


What Are Mumps?

A viral infection of the salivary glands causing puffy cheeks and a tender and swollen jaw is called mumps or parotitis. One or both of the parotid glands under the ears are infected in this case. Also, mumps can affect other parts of the body, such as the pancreas, reproductive organs, and menin.....


Fungal Infection (Mycosis): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

We are surrounded by different types of fungi, but only some of them cause infections. Fungal infections are also known as mycosis. A weak immune system, exposure to harmful fungi, etc., may lead to mycosis. These infections can spread around mainly by direct contact or by inhaling the spores. So.....


Cellulitis - Signs & Treatment

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection  that causes inflammation, skin discoloration, and pain. In the case of Cellulitis, the infected area becomes swollen and red which makes it warm and painful to touch. If it is not treated properly on time, it could become fatal. It arises out of unhygieni.....


Burnout - All You Need To Know

Burnout occurs when one starts feeling exhausted leading to inefficiency in their daily lives. Although it is mostly a person's job that causes burnout, their overall lifestyle can also add to it. A stressful lifestyle can put people under extreme pressure, to the point that they feel empty, burn.....



Monkeypox is a disease that is caused by the monkeypox virus which is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus. Monkeypox was discovered in 1958, and the first human monkeypox case was found in 1970. Monkeypox disease is comparatively less contagious and is seldom fatal. It is usually caused by coming.....


Summer Flu Explained

Summer flu is a highly contagious disease caused by the influenza virus and affects the respiratory system. Most people experience the symptoms of the Summer flu during the summer season. While in tropical countries like India, influenza activity is relatively constant throughout the year, and in.....


Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C has to be added or supplemented in our daily diet, as vitamin C is not synthesized in our bodies like that of animals. This vitamin is very important for most of our bodily functions.The deficiency of this vitamin causes scurvy. Vitamin C helps in protein synthesis, deficiencyof this ma.....


How to Reduce Blood Sugar at Home?

If you suffer from high blood sugar, you can try and regulate it by exercising regularly, keeping your weight under check, eating a fibre rich diet and limiting everyday stress. There are also other practices that can help you reduce the level of blood sugar, such as managing your carb intake, fo.....


Ayurvedic Remedies for Cough

Tulsi is a typical ayurvedic medicine for cough. In Ayurveda, Tulsi is called "the Goddess of herbs". You can make a cup of Tulsi tea as a natural cough cure. You can also add ginger, cloves, and cardamom to it. Herbs like ginger are frequently used in Ayurvedic therapy. It includes a v.....


Pneumonia - Meaning, Complications, Home Remedies & Prevention

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. It affects the lungs if not treated and causes breathing difficulties. The main symptoms of pneumonia are; pain in the chest, cough with phlegm, fatigue, fever, and shortness of breath. Pneumonia is further classified based on where it is co.....


Summer Diseases & Effective Tips to Stay Healthy During Summer

Diseases causing infections in the summer season are collectively called summer diseases. The summer season typically lasts from March to June in India. The scorching heat of summer leads to many summer diseases including heat stroke, food poisoning, dehydration, sunburn, mumps, etc. If you stay .....


How to Cure Alopecia?

Alopecia is sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches and may start overlapping. It primarily occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles and may also be brought on by severe stress. The main symptom is full body hair loss, circular or patchy bald spots, sudden .....


Summer Cold: Causes & Home Remedies

The common cold that spreads throughout the summer season is called summer cold. Such colds are mistaken for allergies. It should be noted that the common cold need not be spread only when the season is cold. The common cold is caused by Rhinovirus that spreads easily during summer. While winter .....


What are The Symptoms of Chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. The infection primarily affects the skin of the individual, causing red fluid-filled blisters that are itchy. Some of the most common symptoms of this infection include fever, fatigue, body aches, loss of appetite, and malaise......


Cystitis - Causes, Diagnosis & Complications

Cystitis is a urinary bladder disease. When there is irritation, redness, or swelling in the bladder, the walls of the bladder get inflamed and cause cystitis. This may be caused due to urinary tract infection (UTI) or any bacterial infection.

There are many causes of cystitis, like.....


World No Tobacco Day 2024

World No Tobacco Day or WNTD, or the anti-tobacco day, has been observed on May 31 every year since 1989. It aims to raise awareness about the perils of smoking and the negative consequences of tobacco on health that currently lead to more than 8 million deaths worldwide annually. It specifically.....


Food Poisoning - Types, Signs & Diagnosis

People prefer junk food because they find it enticing, and it is growing more and more popular. While it is important to pamper your taste buds every once in a while, it is also critical to consume food from a sterile environment. Failure to do so can result in major health issues. Food poisoning.....


Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney stone is caused by deposition of minerals and acid salts inside the kidney and is a painful health problem. The presence of kidney stones within the urinary bladder as well as passing them out of the urinary tract can be excruciatingly painful. If you have had a kidney stone at some point .....


What is Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease?

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a highly contagious disease. It is caused by Coxsackievirus, a virus from the Enterovirus genus. It is more common in young children, and causes blisters and rashes on the skin. They must be diagnosed and treated quickly. It can be prevented by regular handwashing.....


Vaginal Yeast Infection Explained

Vaginal yeast infection also known as Candidiasis is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva . A healthy woman has both bacteria, and certain yeast cells, in her vagina. However, yeast cells can grow when the ratio of bacteria to yeas.....


Skin Abscess - Treatment, Diagonosis & Prevention

Pollution is harming people's lives in a wide range of ways. Individuals are experiencing not just health problems as a result of this, but it has also begun to damage skin. These days, the most prevalent concern is skin allergies or skin abscesses. An abscess is a skin infection that can occur i.....


List of Common Orthopaedic Problems Caused Due to Work From Home

Common Orthopaedic Problems Caused Due to Work From Home - An Overview

The initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of people to work from home instead of their offices. However, even as the cases of COVID-19 continued to rise and fall in different countries, a large propor.....


HPV - Treatment Causes, Symptoms

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that causes warts in various parts of the body, depending on the strain. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection where the sexual partners may not develop any notable symptoms but can still infect others through sexual contact.



Sports Injuries

You might suffer injuries or mishaps while engaging in a sport or a fitness regime. In other words, injuries you might sustain during a workout or while playing a sport are termed sports injuries. 

Different Types of Injuries

Sports injuries can be acute or chronic. Let’s u.....


Understanding Low & High Blood Pressure

The blood pressure (BP) for an average individual is 120/80 mm Hg. If your BP value is above this median, it is high blood pressure. And if it is below this median, that would be low blood pressure.  There are many causes for high blood pressure, like smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, a.....


What is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormones are chemical messengers, playing a significant role in regulating your mood, weight, and appetite. They play many functions in the human body, and are responsible for causing hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, hormone levels fluctuate with age; some people are prone to experiencing a more.....


What Is Pellagra Disease?

Pellagra is a disease which includes 3D's - Diarrhoea, Dermatitis, and Dementia. Lack of niacin, also known as Vitamin B-3, in your body can lead to Pellagra disease. People who do not consume enough Vitamin B-3 may suffer Pellagra disease and it can become fatal if not treated properly on t.....

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