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Children learn from what they see you (the parents) do in your day-to-day life. For your child, you are their first role model.


Parents play a significant role in their child’s upbringing and well-being. Right from an early stage in life, your child’s well-being is influenced by the people involved in their upbringing. It involves the influence of the family and close friends that you and your children interact with.


While there are several tips on parenting skills available online, one stands out, and is said to be quite effective is positive parenting. So, if you are a parent or soon-to-be parent, keep reading to know everything you need to know about positive parenting.

What Does Positive Parenting Mean?

People who are unaware of positive parenting tend to believe that it involves overlooking your child’s poor choices or misbehaviour. However, that is not true. Positive parenting helps you (the parents) bring up your child with realistic expectations. It empowers your child to become more resilient and capable as an adult.

What Are the Benefits of Positive Parenting?

Below we have mentioned some benefits associated with the positive parenting approach.

1. Much Stronger Bond Between the Child & Parents:

Every parent wants to build a strong bond with their children. Positive parenting approach helps you develop behavioural techniques that further increases the trust between you and your child. As you start having positive conversations with your child more often, it contributes to an optimistic outlook on your relationship with them. 

2. Improved Communication:

As you start communicating with your child positively, you are also encouraging them to open up to you. However, when your child shares their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings with you, do not be quick to judge. Listen to them before you put forth your opinion. Positive parenting helps improve communication between you and your child, helping your child believe that you are their safe place to share ideas and feelings.

3. High Self-Esteem & Happiness:

Positive environment, mutual trust between parent and child, and effective communication will undoubtedly lead to happiness. Further, it will boost your child’s self-esteem. As parents, you should focus more on encouraging and improving your child’s approach on life. Allow them to understand that their mistakes are not their flaws, and can be improved over time. Maintaining a pleasant home environment will only lead to less stress for your child, and you.

How Does Positive Parenting Encourage Personal Development and Self-Growth in Your Child?

While positive parenting helps build a strong parent-child relationship, it even encourages personal development and self-growth in the child. Here’s how that works -


  • It encourages and promotes confidence in children and provides them with a source (the parents) to make good/wise decisions in life.
  • Positive communication builds a child’s social and problem-solving skills. It further enhances the child’s relationships with their peers.
  • Positive parenting increases the child’s self-esteem.
  • Having a supportive and optimistic parenting approach fosters the child’s belief in themselves and the future.
  • Recognising and applauding the child’s achievements will increase their efficiency and lead to healthy behaviour.
  • Inculcating healthy boundaries and consequences will help the child learn accountability and responsibility.

The Bottom Line

Many resources are available online on positive parenting. Implementing this approach correctly and consistently will help parents and soon-to-be parents build a deep and healthy relationship with their children in the long run.


Plus, as parents, it is your responsibility to take care of your child’s medical needs. Have you thought of buying a health insurance plan? If no, considering family health insurance available on Bajaj Markets.


You can benefit from features such as reinstatement benefits, cashless claim settlements, extensive coverage, tax benefits, and more. In fact, you can use the health insurance calculator to determine the premiums charged on your chosen coverage.


Besides, you can buy/renew your health policy using the Bajaj Markets App. So, don’t wait, Secure yourself and your family members against unforeseen medical emergencies with health insurance plans at Bajaj Markets, right away!

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