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To simplify the process for the traffic police and drivers, the government of Telangana launched the e-challan platform throughout the state including Karimnagar which is among the major cities in Telangana. Through e-challan/electronic challan, the fines for any traffic rule violation are collected online. It is to eradicate human error with challan issuance and challan fraud. Over 3500 CCTVs are installed throughout the city that helps the police govern and evaluate the traffic rules and manage the process of e-challan Karimnagar efficiently, in case of any violation an SMS is sent to the offenders digitally. In case you have received an e-challan from Karimnagar police officials, you can easily pay it online by visiting Parivahan’s official website.


The Telangana government has implemented the system of e-challans or electronic challans in the state to make the process easier for traffic police and drivers. Karimnagar is one of the main cities in Telangana and people who are fined with an e challan often don’t know how they can pay it off. In this article, we’ll take a look at e challan Karimnagar and how you can pay it online and offline. 

Traffic Violation Penalties in Karimnagar

Traffic Violation


Riding without a helmet 


Driving without a seatbelt


Speaking on mobile when driving 


More than 1 pillion rider on a two-wheeler 


Dangerous driving 


Over speeding 


Violating road rules 

 ₹500 to ₹1,000

Jumping traffic signals 


Not carrying a valid licence 

Up to ₹5,000

Driving without registration 


Drunk driving

  • First offence: ₹10,000 and/or 6 months of imprisonment

  • Subsequent offences: ₹15,000 and/or 2 years of imprisonment

Obstructing emergency vehicles 

 ₹10,000 and/or 6 months of imprisonment

Driving without insurance 


Penalty Points System in Karimnagar

The Telangana government has introduced a penalty points system in the state to bring down the rate of traffic rule violations. As Karimnagar falls under the state of Telangana, the points system applies to this city as well. As per this new points system, any person who gets more than 12 points; will have their license suspended for a minimum of 1 year. For people who commit repeated offences, their licences may be cancelled for up to 2 years. As for people who are on their learner’s licence and receive more than 5 penalty points, they will not be allowed to apply for a driving licence exam. You can take a look at the detailed points system below: 

Traffic Offence


No helmet


Driving an uninsured vehicle


Overspeeding/ Wrong route


Drunk driving (2 wheeler)


Drunk driving (4 wheeler)


Drunk driving (Govt vehicle)


Racing while driving


No Pollution Certificate while driving


IPC 279, 336, 337, 338 Cases


304 (A), 304 (II) Cases


Chain Snatching While Driving


How to Pay Karimnagar Traffic E Challan Through Parivahan?

An e challan is a form of police challan that is issued to traffic rule offenders digitally through SMS and can also be paid online. If you are issued a traffic e challan in Karimnagar, you can use the Parivahan website to pay the fine. Follow the steps mentioned below to successfully pay your TS challan via the Parivahan website:


  • Visit

  • Enter the Challan Number, or your Vehicle Registration Number, or your Driving License (DL) Number

  • Enter the captcha code and click on ‘Get Details’

  • Now, check the details of the offence and the TS e challan status

  • Proceed to process the payment for the traffic fine

  • Once your payment is complete, you will receive a confirmation message and a transaction ID and your e challan will be paid up

  • You can follow this process to pay off any of your pending Karimnagar e-challans


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How to Pay Karimnagar E Challan Offline

While you have the option to pay your Karimnagar e-challan online, you can also pay your challans offline in case you are not able to make online payments. Have a look at the steps given below to know how you can pay your Karimnagar traffic challan offline:


  1. Take a copy of your Karimnagar e challan to the nearest traffic police station

  2. You can also visit your nearest RTO office to pay off your pending challan

  3. Approach the authorities who are responsible for the collection of traffic fines

  4. Pay the penalty in cash. You can also request the authorities to check for pending fines (if any) and pay the dues for the same immediately

  5. Once your payment has been made, you will receive a receipt signifying that your e challan dues have been paid up

How to Check Your Karimnagar E Challan Status Online

Sometimes you may miss paying a pending e-challan. Maybe because you did not receive the e challan SMS or failed to notice it when it was sent to your mobile number. In that case, you can manually check your challan status online by following the given steps:


  1. Visit the Parivahan website at -

  2. On this page, enter your vehicle number or driving licence number

  3. Once you have correctly entered the information, a new page will open displaying information about any pending traffic challans

  4. If there are no pending challans against you, a message will appear saying ‘No Challans Found’

Important Traffic Rules Drivers Should Remember at all Times

  1. Make sure you drive your vehicle on the left side of the road. Whenever you need to overtake another vehicle, do it from the right.

  2. Be extra cautious on intersections and look around twice before moving ahead.

  3. Always make way for emergency vehicles such as ambulances and do not block their way.

  4. Always stop at red lights. Do not attempt to jump signals as it may lead to accidents.

  5. Make sure all your driving-related documents such as DL, vehicle registration papers, insurance papers are ready.

  6. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol and always adhere to the speed limit.

To Conclude

Traffic rules have been set in place by the authorities to protect the drivers and maintain an efficient driving experience for everyone. An e challan is just a way to implement these rules. In case you have any pending Karimnagar e challans, you should pay them online or at your nearest RTO.


Another way you can protect yourself against any financial liabilities while driving is by getting a good motor insurance plan for your vehicle. Whether you’re driving a four-wheeler or a two-wheeler, a motor insurance plan is essential to protect against unexpected damages. You can check out the motor insurance plans available at Bajaj Markets and choose one that suits your needs.

FAQs on E Challan Karimnagar

What will happen if I get more than 12 traffic points in 1 year?

In this case, your driving licence will get suspended for 1 year. 

Can you pay the echallan within 60 days of the traffic challan being issued in Karimnagar

Yes, you can pay your Karimnagar e challan online on the Parivahan website. 

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