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Reducing weight is key to bringing down your BMI. In case you’re wondering how to go about this, you can follow various measures such as reducing the intake of junk and processed foods and setting realistic targets for weight loss. You can also follow a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and protein too. Above all, drink lots of water and make time for exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week. Consistently following these practices can help bring down your BMI. In this article, you can learn more about decreasing your BMI.

What is BMI?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement tool that helps in categorising the weight of individuals who are underweight, normal, overweight, and obese. Health experts recommend that it is important to maintain a healthy BMI range to avoid health-related problems in the future. The BMI value is calculated based on your height and weight, and the results will determine the weight category you belong to. These can be:

  • If your BMI is lower than 18.5, you are underweight

  • If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you have a healthy weight

  • If your BMI is between 25.0 and 29.9, you are overweight

  • If your BMI is more than 30, you are obese

Being overweight or obese can pose various health risks like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart issues, as per several medical studies and publications. In this section, we have listed a few tips regarding why it is important to have a healthy BMI (in the normal range) along with some useful tips on how to reduce BMI.

Why Lower BMI?

As mentioned above, having a higher BMI has been linked to a higher risk of developing serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Higher body weight and obesity have also been linked to medical conditions such as sleep apnea, osteoporosis, breathing problems, depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. People who have excessive weight also deal with issues such as body pain and a reduction in the capacity for physical functioning.


To combat all these physical and mental health problems that arise due to high BMI and obesity, it is necessary to reduce your BMI and bring it under the ‘normal/healthy’ category. There are dozens of ways you can accomplish this, like exercising and changing food habits, counting calories, consulting a dietician, etc. Let’s take a look at some highly useful tips on how to decrease BMI.

10 Proven Tips on How to Reduce BMI

Set Realistic Health Goals

To reduce BMI, you have to set realistic health goals to bring down your weight. For instance, you can make a plan out of steps similar to the ones mentioned below:

  • First, ensure that you do not gain any more weight.

  • The next step is to focus on losing 5% of the weight. For instance, if you weigh 90 kgs, then you have to work towards losing 4.5 kgs in the beginning.

  • Losing 5% can do wonders for your health and lower the risk of numerous health ailments.

  • Once you get into the habit of following a particular routine to reduce the first 5% of the weight, you can slowly start progress towards completing your BMI goals.

Monitor Your Weight Loss Progress

While trying to achieve your health goals, monitoring your weight loss progress is crucial. You need to know where you stood before and where you stand today in terms of your routine. Begin with self-monitoring yourself either by using a health app or writing down the calories, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Eat Healthy and Ditch the Junk

If you want to make any headway towards decreasing your BMI, you need to ditch your go-to fast foods. An equal balance of exercise and healthy food can help with losing weight. Since there are different types of diets, you can try experimenting with what works for you. Experts recommend reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates and processed foods and replacing them with high-protein foods, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Keep Track of Your Workout Routine

Pick a workout of your choice that is easier to manage rather than the most intense one. Try out different ways and exercises to see what works for you. Maintain a record of your weight every week to observe any changes and focus on the positives while doing so. This will further help you understand what works and what doesn’t depending on your lifestyle and daily schedule.

Create Targets to Keep Going

The best way to stay motivated and make progress with lowering your BMI is to create targets. Plan which days you wish to work out and at what time based on your daily schedule and commit to it. For example, walking for 15 minutes four times a week is a target that you can set to continue reducing your BMI.

Diet and Nutrition

While maintaining your diet during your weight loss journey, you will observe that there are multiple diets to choose from, which can be overwhelming. No matter which diet you decide to go with, try following it strictly until it becomes a habit.


Furthermore, look for foods that are rich in nutrition while you keep track of calories. It is important to understand that weight loss does not mean that you have to skip your meals or stop eating food altogether. If you are unable to decide your diet requirements, get in touch with a dietician for professional help.

Drink Plenty of Water

Some people often confuse the feeling of being thirsty with being hungry and end up eating a meal when their cravings could have been satisfied with just a glass of water. Drinking plenty of water will help your stomach stay satiated for longer periods and reduce your intake of unnecessary foods, thereby ensuring that you only eat when you feel hungry.

Eat High Fibre Foods

Foods that are high in fibre are extremely healthy for improving your digestive process. The high fibre content in food also keeps you full for a long time, so you will not be tempted to overeat or snack multiple times a day.

Cut Out Added Sugars

A lot of packaged products, junk foods, and restaurant-made dishes contain large amounts of added sugar to artificially enhance the taste of these foods. However, these added sugars can quickly lead to weight gain if consumed excessively. So, whenever you are out shopping, read the ingredients of the packaged foods you buy and avoid those items that contain excessive added sugars.

Consistency is the Key!

Everyone’s body works differently and thus, consistency is the key. Don’t be disheartened if you do not see any results but keep going. So, work out, eat healthily, have enough water and get plenty of sleep to reach your health goals! Over time, the weight loss results will start to appear.

BMI is an essential factor that most health insurers in India take into consideration when determining your premiums. Hence, make efforts to reduce your BMI and keep track of it with the help of a BMI calculator.

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How to reduce my BMI quickly?

You can reduce your Body Mass Index (BMI) by working out regularly and sticking to a healthy diet. Following a specific routine consistently can significantly help in the process.

What is the overweight range of BMI?

If the BMI is between 25.0 and 29.9, it means that the person is overweight.

What is the range of BMI for healthy weight?

If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, it means you are within the healthy or normal weight range.

What are the benefits of health insurance?

Health insurance enables you to get financial security during a medical emergency or for planned treatments. You can avail a cashless facility, coverage for hospitalisation expenses, access to alternative treatment, daycare facilities, and more.

Can I buy health insurance online?

Yes, you can buy health insurance online on Bajaj Markets and other insurance websites. 

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