While maintaining a minimum balance in your savings bank account is a good habit, more often than not, it can be a rather tedious thing. You need to keep an eye on your expenses at all times and ensure that your balance does not go below the specified limit. Don’t you then wish that you had a zero-balance account?
If you are planning to open a savings account, then the AU Small Finance Bank zero balance account can be a smart option. Read on to understand all about AU Bank zero balance account.
When you open a bank account, you need to comply with the terms and conditions laid out by the banks. Generally, banks require a minimum balance of ₹5,000 or ₹10,000 in your account at all times. In case the balance goes below this, you will have to pay a penalty.
However, you can save yourself from all this trouble by opening a zero-balance account. As the name suggests, the zero balance account refers to a bank account where there is no requirement to maintain a certain balance. Rather, even if there is no money in your bank account, there will be no penalty levied. If you are planning to open an AU Small Finance Bank zero balance account online, you can get started right away.
The biggest benefit of having an AU Small Finance Bank zero balance account is that you do not have to maintain any balance. However, there are a number of other benefits of having a zero-balance account. Let us take a look at some of them:
Apart from the zero balance features, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits through products and services like mutual funds, loans, insurance and lockers
When you go ahead with AU Small Finance Bank to open a zero balance account, you can avail state-of-the-art services with mobile and internet banking.
With the AU Bank zero balance account you can get an interest rate of 7.25% per annum.
There are numerous other benefits that you can enjoy when you have an AU Bank zero balance account.
AU Bank zero balance account offers a wide range of features and benefits to the account holder. Without the worry of your balance going below the required limit, you can enjoy the bank facilities to the fullest. However, it is recommended that you find out about all the features of the account. There may be a restriction on the number of transactions and/ or the number of such accounts you can open in your name.
Understanding the features of the AU Bank zero balance account in detail will allow you to make the most of it.
Apart from not having to maintain a balance, a zero balance account offers a number of other features. With AU Small Finance Bank zero balance account, you can get a free debit card, a free passbook, a free chequebook book along with an interest rate of 7.25% p.a.
Opening AU Small Finance Bank zero balance account opening online is very simple. Through the Video Banking platform, you can open an account with a few simple tips.