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Height-weight chart shows whether your weight is proportional to your height. It is often considered a measure of a person's health. The height-weight chart holds greater significance among children as it is considered a benchmark of their overall development and growth. 


Due to differences in their biology and physiology, the weight and height chart for men and women is different.

Weight Chart According to Height for Males and Females

You can take a look at the height-weight chart given below. These calculations are made on the basis of weight according to height ratio. You will find the weight measurement in ‘kg’ metrics in the ideal weight chart. 

Height in ft

Height in cm

Average Weight in kg for Male

Average Weight in kg for Female



28.5 – 34.9

28.5 – 34.9 



30.8 – 38.1

30.8 – 38.1



33.5 – 40.8

32.6 – 39.9



35.8 – 43.9

34.9 – 42.6



38.5 – 46.7

36.4 – 44.9



40.8 – 49.9

39 – 47.6



40.1 – 53

40.8 – 49.9



45.8 – 55.8

43.1 – 52.6



48.1 – 58.9

44.9 – 54.9



50.8 – 60.1

47.2 - 57.6



50.0 – 64.8

49 - 59.9



55.3 – 68

51.2 - 62.6



58 – 70.7

53 - 64.8



60.3 – 73.9

55.3  - 67.6



63 – 70.6

57.1 - 69.8



65.3 – 79.8

59.4 - 72.6



67.6 – 83

61.2 - 74.8



70.3 – 85.7

63.5 - 77.5



72.6 – 88.9

65.3 - 79.8

Download the Height-Weight Chart

Body Mass Index

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is the measure used to determine how healthy a person is. The Body Mass Index uses height and weight as computable values to derive a number that can generically indicate whether you are healthy or unhealthy. 


BMI is calculated by dividing your weight by your height in metres squared. For adults, the BMI should range between 18.5 to 24.9. If your BMI is under 18.5, it means you are underweight. A BMI measure of above 24.9 could indicate that you are over the ideal weight.


However, it is important to understand that taking a professional’s advice on matters of health is vital. Muscle mass is much denser than body fat and even a smaller chunk of muscle can weigh much more than a sizable portion of body fat. Hence, seeking professional help is a must.

The BMI Calculator

The BMI calculator can make the calculation happen in the blink of an eye. You can use the BMI calculator given below to derive your BMI ratio. 

Ft In
gauge-chart needle-pointer

Your BMI is 23.4


If you wish to know more about BMI and how to calculate BMI, click here.


In the wake of such severe health issues, it is a prerequisite to stay protected from the financial stressors that come with the subsequent medical needs of obesity. Hence, Bajaj Markets offers you health insurance plans that can provide you with financial security against a medical crisis. 


You can find health insurance policies offered by Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd., Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd., and Care Health Insurance Ltd.

Importance of Height vs. Weight Chart

Most medical practitioners consider the height-weight chart to measure good health in adults. In children, the height-wise weight chart holds greater importance as it is a benchmark for their overall development.  


As per health experts, the three primary aspects that impact your health as you grow older are -

  1. Height 

  2. Weight

  3. Gender


As these parameters are correlated, using this chart can help you understand body weight according to height. In simple terms, it helps you and your doctor figure out whether your height and weight are in proportion and that it mirrors your current state of health.

Interpretation of the Height and Weight Chart

Before you take a look at the chart that shows ideal weight according to height in KGs, you should know how to interpret the weight categories in them. Fortunately, the categories are quite self-explanatory.

  • Average Weight

It means the individual is well within the defined health range. Generally, this is the ideal state of health for an individual to conform to.

  • Underweight

If the weight of a person is below the average weight range, it means the individual is underweight. Consult a medical expert and find a reason and remedy for the same.

  • Overweight

It means the individual is above the defined normal weight range. In other words, the person has a higher weight than they ideally should. 

A height and weight chart can help you evaluate the correlation between the two parameters. However, there are other methods that you could use to understand your fitness levels. A prominent example is the Body Mass Index or BMI calculator.

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​​How is Ideal Weight Calculated

A person’s optimum weight has traditionally been calculated through a rule-of-thumb method rather than a population-study-based or research-based method. 


The formula for calculating the ideal weight in kilograms is as follows: 


2.2 x BMI + (3.5 x BMI) x (Height in meters minus 1.5)

Tips to Maintain Ideal Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is very important in the long run as it can protect you against a variety of diseases and help you remain fit for a long time. Being overweight is also associated with a host of health problems and diseases like diabetes and heart-related conditions. Here are some useful tips you can follow to maintain your ideal weight.

  • Stick To a Healthy Diet

Eating habits can have a significant impact on weight deviation, especially if you are among people with a slow metabolism. Hence, it is necessary to maintain a strict diet that is full of nutrition. Those looking to lose weight need to find a diet plan that ensures they eat all the food necessary to maintain a healthy weight without increasing the fat content in the body.

  • Exercise

It is in your best interest to lead an energetic day. While you are managing your nutrition with a strict diet plan, you also need to get yourself some exercise. Look for workout plans that help you to maintain a balance in your calorie intake and calories burned. Also, ensure that you continue exercising even after you have accomplished your healthy weight as per height range, as it will encourage you to lead a healthy and fit life.

  • Reduce Stress

In case you are under a lot of stress due to work or personal concerns, there are ways you can ease it. Switch to healthy food habits, daily workouts, and getting a sound sleep. Further, you can reduce stress and feel more relaxed after shunning lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, or consuming excessive caffeine.

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Impact of Being Overweight (BMI over 25)

Being overweight has been linked to a variety of health conditions that you should be aware of. Here are some of the consequences one would have to face in the wake of being overweight. 

  • Reduced Lifespan

According to the study carried out in 2020, it was found that obesity has increased the rate of non-communicable diseases significantly. In extension, this may have an impact on life-expectancy as well.

  • Higher Risk of Diseases

As per a medical publication, people who are overweight are at a higher risk of diseases such as diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc. Being overweight is also linked to certain types of cancers, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.

  • Higher Medical Costs

People who are overweight may have to spend more money to treat their medical conditions and cover hospitalisation expenses. One of the ways to offset these medical costs is to get a good health insurance policy.

  •  Low Energy and Fatigue

Being overweight is also linked to problems like having low energy throughout the day and experiencing constant fatigue and body pain.

  •  Poor Mental Health

Studies have also shown people who suffer from overweight problems and extreme obesity are at a higher risk of suffering from anxiety and depression.


People who are overweight may have to spend more money to treat their medical conditions and cover hospitalisation expenses. One of the ways to offset these medical costs is to get a good insurance policy that covers such expenses. Check out the range of Pocket Insurance plans available on Bajaj Markets, that cover specific needs like gym injuries, morning walk accidents, etc. 


Additionally, you could find various obesity-centric insurance plans as well. They include the plans stated below.

  • Obesity Cover

  • Obesity Insurance for Women Only

  • Obesity Management Cover

Impact of Obesity In Adults (BMI over 30)

People who have obesity suffer from multiple health effects that are listed below.

  • Hypertension

Weight gain indicates that you have a lot of fatty tissue in your body. Fat accumulation in your blood vessels raises circulation resistance and is the major cause of high blood pressure.

  • Coronary Heart Diseases

Your oscillating blood pressure is the major cause of your susceptibility to cardiovascular disease.

  • Diabetes Type 2

Since your insulin receptors are blocked by fat, it prevents glucose absorption. As a result, obesity leads to insulin resistance.

  • Liver Illness

Obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome (NAFLD) are intimately linked. 

  • Cancer

Obesity is known to increase the risk of developing some cancers. Obesity-related variables that frequently cause cancer include:

  1. Body inflammatory response

  2. Compromised immune system

  3. Abnormal cell growth

  • Breathlessness

Breathlessness is another major health problem that people suffer due to obesity or imbalance in your height to weight ratio. Since you frequently feel out of breath, your regular activities will be hampered.

FAQs on Height and Weight Chart

Are height and weight charts accurate ways to measure health?

Though each individual has their own body composition, generally, height and weight charts can give a good idea of an individual’s health.

What should I do if I am overweight as per a height and weight chart?

If you are overweight, you should consult your doctor and start a diet plan to lose weight.


What are some of the best methods to lose weight?

Here are some valuable tips to lose weight:

  • Count your calories

  • Eat a healthy diet of natural, unprocessed foods

  • Start exercising, specifically cardio and strength training

Does health insurance cover weight-related health problems?

Some health insurance policies may cover weight-related health problems, while others may not. Therefore, it is advisable to look into the ‘inclusions’ and ‘exclusions’ that each plan has in its terms and conditions before buying one. 

Are height and weight charts important?

Yes, as these common diagnostic instruments are used to rule out suspected medical disorders. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that it can't be utilised as a general standard for everyone. 


What should be the weight of someone who is 5 feet in height?

The height-weight chart indicates that a female who is 5ft tall should weigh between 40.8 kg and 49.9 kg at her optimal weight. However, a male who is 5 feet tall should weigh between 43.1 kg and 53 kg.

What is the ideal weight for a 5'9” male in kgs?

The ideal weight for a 5‘9’’ male as referred to in the height-weight chart would be 59.4 kg and 52.6 kg.

How do I know whether I'm obese in weight according to age?

One of the elements that influence your weight is your age. The two most important characteristics, however, are height and weight. You may measure it using the height and weight chart on this page. 

What is the ideal weight for a 5'7'' male in kgs?

According to the chart drawn above, the ideal weight of a 5’7’’ male should be 60.3 kg to 73.9 kg.

What should be my ideal weight as per my height?

Age, gender, body type, and height are just a few of the variables that affect weight. Moreover, you can refer to the weight chart to know the precise required weight as per your height.

What are the various methods for determining ideal weight?

Your optimal body weight may be determined in a number of ways. For instance, a height-weight chart, a BMI, a skinfold thickness measurement, a BIA (Bioelectric Impedance) measurement, etc. However, using a height-weight chart is the most straightforward method.

How to increase height?

The many variables that influence a person's height. Among the many influences are genetics, diet, and sleeping habits. You should also keep your weight within a healthy range for your height.

What should a 13-year-old girl weight?

Since 13 years is a pivotal age in one’s adolescence, the body experiences a variety of unpredictable changes. Another element that may be influenced by a variety of variables is weight, including height, gender, and body type. A typical height chart would not be adequate, in contrast to the weight chart. However, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, 13-year-old males weigh between 35.8 kg and 55.7 kg and girls weigh between 34.4 kg and 54.3 kg.

What is the ideal weight for a 5'3'' female in kgs?

The ideal weight of a woman who is 5‘3’’ can be 47.2 kg to 57.6 kg.

Is 67 kilograms a healthy weight?

This depends on your height. You may refer to the height-weight chart to know the same. 

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