Allergy Cough

An allergy cough may start off like a regular cough, but it persists until the source of the allergy is treated. The most common symptoms of an allergy cough are that it is long-lasting, comes on suddenly, and may occur at any time of the year rather than just during winter. Allergy coughs may also be accompanied by a runny nose and watery eyes, but typically, there is no fever or body pain involved. Allergy coughs may be caused by hereditary reasons or exposure to allergens like dust and pollen.


An allergy cough may start off like any normal cough, but if it persists, you know it's caused by allergies, rather than by a regular cough virus or bacterial cough. A regular cough passes in a few days or a week or so, at most, but an allergy cough remains. Chronic coughs are caused by exposure to triggers that cause allergies like smoke from tobacco, dust, certain plants, pets, or pollution. A chronic cough is a good indicator of allergies affecting you. If your cough is related to an allergy, it's likely that you will experience it more during particular seasons, or when you are within certain surroundings. The presence of allergens tends to affect you and this is what makes you cough.

What are the Symptoms of an Allergy Cough?

Signs and symptoms of an allergy cough differ from a cough caused by a cold or the common flu. Allergy cough symptoms are the following:

  • An allergy cough is long-lasting, going on for days and even months, as long as allergens are present.

  • An allergy cough may occur at any time in the year, and not like a regular cough caused by cold and few which significantly prevails in cold weather.

  • The cough through an allergy has a sudden onset, as you are exposed to the allergen.

  • An allergic cough can have associated symptoms of a runny nose and watery eyes, but it is never accompanied by fever or body aches.

  • Indirect effects of an allergy cough may be sinus and an ear infection. As nasal passages may get swollen, the sinuses get sensitized too.

  • Allergens usually cause dry cough allergies, but you can get an allergy cough with mucus collection in your throat or nasal passages.

What are the Causes of an Allergy Cough?

Primarily, an allergy cough is caused by an overly active immune system’s response to certain substances, like allergens, that your body gets exposure to. This happens when the body makes an error of judgement, mistaking harmless substances instead of harmful substances. A chemical is then released, histamine. This is also released when you have a cold. Histamine is responsible for a runny nose, cough and sneezes. The nasal passages also get swollen due to the release of histamine, so you feel like you have a common cold. Other causes which make some people more prone to them than others are:

  • Heredity factors

  • Excessive pollen in the atmosphere

  • Allergies to particular allergens present, as when you are specifically prone to a dust allergy cough

  • Extent of time exposed to allergens

Your body will react to an allergen, but how intensely depends on how excessive the exposure is, as well as the time span you’re exposed. There is a particular threshold that triggers an allergy cough reaction, below which you may not be affected at all.

Ways of Transmission

Typically, allergy coughs are transmitted through allergens present in the atmosphere. They cannot be transmitted from person to person, but can traverse through dust particles you breathe in. This causes your immune system to respond and swelling and irritation occurs in your nasal passages. Allergies like hay fever cause dry cough allergies. In case you are sensitive to pet dander (not the pet itself), dust, mold, specific insects, pollen, certain plants or other normal allergens, your allergy may involve a cough. Sometimes, an allergy cough may be triggered through asthma, worsening your regular asthma symptoms.


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Diagnosis of an Allergy Cough

A qualified allergist is the professional who is equipped to diagnose your allergy cough, offering guidelines for appropriate treatment. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms, take a detailed case history and conduct some tests to determine whether you are affected by an allergy cough. This is the procedure that aids in the identification of significant triggers that specifically affect you. This is the only way that treatment can be properly targeted so you get relief. Skin testing is a common form of testing to determine causes of an allergy cough. It is quick and accurate. In other instances, some blood tests may be recommended in addition to skin testing, or instead of it. You may also have to take a breathing test.

What is the Treatment for an Allergy Cough?

An allergy cough treatment protocol will be focused on your specific allergy cough. The doctor may prescribe any of the following, depending on targeted diagnosis:

  • Antihistamines -

They inhibit histamine release.

  • Decongestants -

They relieve stuffy, runny noses and swollen nasal passages.

  • Nasal steroids -

These clear the nasal passage and bring down inflammation.

  • Immunotherapy -

This involves getting allergy shots, with tiny doses of the allergen so your body creates its own immune response.


An allergy cough is rarely serious, but diagnosis and treatment must be timely. In case you are affected by any chronic cough, you can find your way to adequate treatment options and health insurance plans that helps cover costs which are available on Bajaj Markets.

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