Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemical messengers, playing a significant role in regulating your mood, weight, and appetite. They play many functions in the human body, and are responsible for causing hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, hormone levels fluctuate with age; some people are prone to experiencing a more dramatic decrease than others.


A hormonal imbalance occurs owing to the fluctuation in levels of one or more hormones. Hormonal imbalance is a broad term representing several hormone-related conditions. It can either be temporary or chronic. 


While some hormonal imbalances require professional treatment to stay physically healthy, others might not severely impact your health but still require moderation to some extent.


Let’s dive into the top 10 ways to fix hormonal imbalances. 

How to Fix Hormonal Imbalance?

Listed below are the top 10 ways, including having nutritious meals and living a balanced and healthy lifestyle, among others, to fix hormonal imbalance:

1.Take enough protein with every meal

Protein is essential for your health. Proteins are made up of amino acids that your body can’t produce. The endocrine glands make the hormones from amino acids. These hormones regulate several psychological processes, including growth, stress, appetite, energy metabolism, and reproduction.


Eating protein can decrease ghrelin- the hunger hormone, and stimulates the production of peptide and glucagon-like peptide-1. You can include high-protein foods in your diet, including eggs, lentils, chicken breast, fish, etc. 

2.Get enough sleep

Sleep is one of the most important factors influencing hormone health. The levels of some hormones can fluctuate throughout the day in response to the quality of sleep you have had. Furthermore, the negative impact of sleep disturbances on hormones can lead to diabetes, obesity, and appetite problems. You can regulate hormone levels by getting an undisturbed, full night’s rest. Furthermore, you should avoid too much exposure to light at night. 

3.Switch carbs with healthy fats

Your body needs several fat types, including good cholesterol and saturated fats, that play an important role in regulating your hormones. Healthy fats can help boost your metabolism, reduce inflammation, and promote weight loss. However, you should avoid sunflower, safflower oil, corn, canola, soybean, cottonseed, and peanut oils. Pack your diet with natural sources of omega-3, including flaxseed, wild fish, walnuts, chia seeds, and more.

4.Exercise regularly

Engaging in regular exercise is one of the best ways to fix hormonal imbalances. It regulates the blood flow in your body. The primary benefit of exercise has been seen in preventing insulin resistance. Several exercises have been found useful, including cardio, strength training, and high-intensity interval training. However, just staying physically active can also go a long way in boosting the level of hormones maintaining muscles that start declining with age. 

5.Manage stress

A https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579396/highlights a strong link among the endocrine system, hormones, and stress levels. Even a low level of stress can cause the endocrine system to respond. Stress also increases the level of adrenaline and cortisol. If these hormones breach the safety benchmark, they can cause mood changes, make you obese, and risk developing cardiovascular issues. Thus, to keep your hormone health in check, you must focus on ways to reduce and manage your stress levels.

6.Check emotional imbalances

Checking emotional imbalances, addressing external factors that trigger emotional imbalances, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of hormone-related health conditions. Emotional imbalances have a negative effect on kidneys and reproductive organs, impacting cortisol levels in the body. Eventually, it leads to severe conditions such as PCOS and even infertility. When it impacts the liver, it leads to oestrogen imbalance, while your insulin levels fluctuate with increasing stress and anxiety.

7.Maintain a moderate weight

Excessive weight gain and obesity are directly related to hormone-related conditions. It impacts reproductive health and causes insulin resistance. Studies show that weight loss can even reverse the condition. Furthermore, if your caloric intake is in check, you can maintain a moderate weight and hormonal balance.

8.Avoid too much sugar

Sugar is a form of carbohydrate and plays a major role in insulin-related complications and metabolic conditions. If you can’t completely avoid sugar, you should try regulating how much sugar you are consuming.


Your gut or the digestive system is home to several good bacteria. An unhealthy digestive system leads to inflammation which can trigger hormonal imbalances. Thus, you should take an adequate amount of probiotics that maintain your gut microbiome and help maintain your hormone health. 

10.Beware of birth control pills and medications

Make sure you discuss the side effects of your medications with your doctor. Birth control pills and emergency contraceptive pills alter hormone levels, particularly oestrogen. The complications associated with the long-term use of birth control pills include migraine, weight gain, high blood pressure, nausea, mood changes, and hormonal imbalance.


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With changing lifestyles, dietary shifts, and increasing stress and anxiety levels, particularly among the younger generation, hormonal imbalances have become extremely common. The impact of a hormonal imbalance can range from moderate to severe. However, several hormonal imbalance treatments are available, including medication, therapy, or even a combination of these. The hormonal imbalance treatment generally depends on the severity of the condition and the reason behind the hormonal imbalance.

FAQs on Hormonal Imbalance

What are the signs of hormonal imbalance?

The primary signs of hormonal imbalance include slow or rapid heart rate, weight loss or gain, fatigue, frequent bowel movements, numbness, tingling in hands, higher-than-average blood cholesterol levels, depression, anxiety, irregular distribution of body fat, frequent urination, extreme thirst, and more.

How can I fix my hormonal imbalance?

There are several ways to fix your hormonal imbalance. These include getting enough sleep, maintaining a nutritious balanced diet, exercising regularly, maintaining moderate fat, managing stress, and emotional imbalances, taking proper fats, avoiding sugar, taking care of your gut, consuming lots of fibre, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What are the 5 hormonal imbalances?

The 5 most severe hormonal imbalances include diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, and polycystic ovary syndrome.

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