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A report by the National Cancer Registry programme this year estimated a total of 13.9 lakh cancer cases in India. Given that this number is all set to rise to 15.7 lakh, 5 years from now, it becomes imperative to formulate a strategy on how to prevent cancer. Tobacco consumption topped the cancer burden with a 27% share followed by 19.7% of the total attributed to cancers of the gastrointestinal system, while cervical and uterine cancers accounted for a mere 5.4% of the total. The incidence of breast cancer was found to be increasing among women living in metropolitan cities. Esophageal, oral, stomach and lung cancers were found to be more prevalent in the male population.

Common Causes and Symptoms of Cancer

So how can we prevent cancer? The answer lies in understanding the key signs and reasons behind the development of cancer. The onset of this disease is characterised by uncontrollable divisions of certain abnormal cells in the body which then begin to destroy healthy tissues. In order to know how to prevent cancer, you need to be on the lookout for some of the identifiable symptoms of this disease.

These include tiredness, change in body weight, lump, thickening or colour change of skin, bleeding as well as a cough or breathing problem that doesn’t go away. Apart from these, if you experience change in your bowel habits, problems in swallowing, pain in joints and muscles, fever or indigestion, it is time to see a doctor.

The reasons that increase the risk of cancer in an individual hold an answer to the question, how to prevent cancer naturally. These include lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking, sun exposure, obesity, inhalation of chemicals such as asbestos and benzene in the air, family history of cancer as well as chronic health conditions, for example, ulcerative colitis. 

While age increases the risk of developing cancer, the younger population is not immune to this disease either. Changes in the DNA caused either at birth or during the course of your life could trigger cancerous cell growth leading to the disease.

Tips to Prevent Cancer

While there areno proven ways on how can we prevent cancer, you can surely reduce your risk of cancer development by following the points below:

  • Say no to tobacco:

Tobacco consumption is responsible for cancers of the throat, larynx, lung, bladder, mouth, pancreas among others. Quitting smoking and limiting exposure to secondhand smoke can help you stay away from cancer.

  • Eat healthy:

A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and has little or no processed meats, refined foods and alcohol is the key to staying protected against cancer development in the future.

  • Physical activity:

Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day and maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important lifestyle changes to incorporate if you are looking for how to prevent cancer naturally.

  • Sun protection:

Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or above when stepping out in the sun along with covered clothing to avoid sun damage to your skin. Restrict going out between 10 a.m to 4 p.m and wear sunglasses and hats if you have to.

  • Get vaccinated:

Immunization against Hepatitis B virus and Human papilloma virus has been found to offer protection against cancer risk, so you can get a vaccine as recommended by your doctor.

Cancer Treatment

Now that you know how to prevent cancer, let us take a look at treatment guidelines for the disease. Depending on which stage of cancer a person is suffering from, common treatment options include surgery for tissue removal as well as  chemotherapy and radiation to kill cancerous cells. 

Immunotherapy to strengthen your body’s defence against cancer, bone marrow transplant, hormone therapy and targeted drug therapy are some of the other treatment procedures that doctors may employ depending on the individual disease profile and preferences.


Although the above information about how we can prevent cancer might be helpful, it is not a guarantee that you may not contract cancer at any stage in your life. That is why it helps to think ahead and be prepared for any medical emergency that may strike unannounced, be it cancer or any other. 

Pick your Health Insurance on Bajaj Markets and avail cashless facilities at network hospitals and a quick turnaround time.As deadly as the disease, the cost for the cancer treatment is no less. Bajaj Markets explains what affects the cost of cancer treatment and advises to have a health insurance in place to cover your expenses. You can be assured of your financial health during a time of crisis with the health insurance plans on Bajaj Markets.

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