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Malaria in India

Malaria is a parasite-caused illness. The parasite is passed on through the bites of infected mosquitoes to humans. For centuries, malaria has been a concern in India. The socio-economic effect is catastrophic for affected countries, which are, for the most part, developing, poor and tropical. The cost of prevention and control of malaria measures are thus worthwhile, given that the affected population and the nation have to face disabilities, deaths, economic decline, and industrial inefficacy.

Malaria, once a rural epidemic, diversified into different ecotypes under the pressure of advancements. Unbridled urbanization, drought, worker migration, and weak control efforts are all leading to India's resurgence of malaria and are expected to worsen the problem in the coming years.

Causes of Malaria

When an infected Anopheles mosquito bites a human, malaria is propagated. This is the only mosquito type that is capable of transmitting malaria. By biting an infected individual and extracting blood that contains the parasite, the mosquito becomes infected. When another individual is bitten by that mosquito, that person becomes infected. Only if you are bitten by an infected mosquito or if you collect infected blood from someone during a blood transfusion will you get malaria. During pregnancy, malaria may also be passed on from mother to fetus.

The mosquitoes carrying the Plasmodium parasite get it by biting an already infected person or animal. The parasite then undergoes numerous changes that allow it to infect the next creature that bites the mosquito. It multiplies in the liver once it is in you and switches again, getting ready to infect the next mosquito that bites you. It then enters the bloodstream and red blood cells are invaded. Eventually, the red blood cells that are infected burst. This sends parasites across the body and induces malaria symptoms.

Common Symptoms of Malaria

Malaria signs often appear like those of several other bacterial, viral or pest-related diseases in the early stages. It can begin with symptoms that are flu-like.

Symptoms may include:

  • Fever

  • Shivering

  • Headache

  • Sweating

  • Tiredness

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Body pain

People who get infected several times can be sick, but they have little to no symptoms. Depending on your age, general health, and the kind of malaria parasite that you have, the bad symptoms of malaria will vary. Malaria can, in rare cases , lead to damaged brain or spinal cord function, seizures, or loss of consciousness. The most extreme forms of malaria infection can be fatal.

Malaria Treatment and Prevention

Malaria infection may be completely prevented if it is detected early on. Many factors impact the choice, including:

  • If the medication is used for malaria treatment or prevention.

  • The area where you visited

  • Your condition (e.g. age, pregnancy, health).

  • Whether the malaria parasite is resistant to such medicines.

  • Seriousness of the disease

  • Your health history

Your age, your health and the use of medication to prevent malaria are essential factors.  Special care is needed for the pregnant women, infants, very old people , people with other health problems and for those who have not used medication in order to avoid malaria infection. For prevention and control of serious malaria cases, exchanging blood transfusions may be considered.

Tips To Prevent Malaria

  1. Wear long trousers and sleeves and light-coloured garments. 

  2. As mosquitoes are night feeders, to avoid being bitten, stay away from danger zones, particularly fields, woods, and swamps, from dusk to dawn.

  3. Depending on the type of prescription, malaria treatment and prevention typically lasts for 3 to 7 days. In order to kill the parasite, you have to take the medicine for the entire prescribed duration – don't quit taking the medicine, even though you feel better.


Depending on the symptoms, the severity of your malaria can be determined. As malaria causes many deaths and can be a concern for many in India, it is pivotal to know remedies that suit you the best. Whether medical problems are small or big, it is always best to be prepared for everything. Being prepared involves a comprehensive health cover.

You can consider choosing Health Insurance available on Bajaj Markets. With cashless facilities at network hospitals and a quick claim settlement process available with the plans, you can be assured of your financial health during a time of crisis with the health insurance plans on Bajaj Markets.


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