Monkeypox - Overview

Monkeypox is a disease that is caused by the monkeypox virus which is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus. Monkeypox was discovered in 1958, and the first human monkeypox case was found in 1970. Monkeypox disease is comparatively less contagious and is seldom fatal. It is usually caused by coming in close contact with an infected person, animal, or object. 

List of Monkeypox Symptoms

The monkeypox symptoms are-


  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Rash on face and body (they look like pimples or blisters) 

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Muscle aches 

  • Backache

  • Exhaustion and tiredness

  • Discomfort

  • Sore throat 

  • Nasal congestion 

  • Cough

What are the causes of Monkeypox? 

Monkeypox is transmitted when you come in touch with an infected animal or human. Animal-to-person transmission can happen via damaged skin, in the form of bites or scratches, or through contact with the blood, body fluids, or pox lesions of an infected animal (sores).


It is transmissible from person to person, although it is uncommon. Person-to-person transmission happens when you come in contact with an infected person's scabs, respiratory droplets, sores, and even oral secretions, frequently through close, personal interactions like hugging, kissing, or intercourse.


You can also get monkeypox by coming into touch with recently contaminated things, such as bed linens and clothes worn by an infected person or an infected animal.

How is Monkeypox Diagnosed? 

Swollen lymph nodes are usually one of the distinctive symptoms of monkeypox. In order to confirm the disease, a tissue sample is collected. The tissue sample is then sent to the laboratory for Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing. Another way of diagnosing monkeypox is the testing of blood samples and checking for antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the disease.

Check out some Monkeypox Treatments

Monkeypox disease is curable and usually lasts for a few weeks. But when infected, there are a few ways that need to be followed for quick relief. WHO has approved newer vaccines owing to the recent monkeypox outbreak. 


Moreover, some ways to treat monkeypox are- 


  1. Consumption of pain relievers - Medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen help you feel better and cure the disease as well. 

  2. Oatmeal baths- A colloidal oatmeal bath can help ease the dry, itchy feeling.

  3. Cover lesions- Use gauze or bandages to keep the infection from spreading to others and the environment.

  4. Take good care- It is important for you to take proper rest and stay home because the disease is contagious. You must also drink lots of fluids. 

  5. Maintain distance - Avoid contact with pets and especially stray pets.

Is Monkeypox covered under Health Insurance? 

Yes, monkeypox is covered by all health insurance plans in India. This is due to the fact that monkeypox disease is an infectious condition, and all health plans cover medical expenditures spent on the treatment of infectious diseases. As a result, all standard health insurance policies will cover the cost of monkeypox treatment.


A person with a health insurance plan can obtain coverage for hospitalisation fees, out-of-hospital care charges, ICU charges, and so on. However, policies may also vary, and some insurance plans may cover certain expenses that others do not. Therefore, it becomes essential for you to go through all the terms and conditions of the health insurance plan and choose wisely. 


In a nutshell, monkeypox is a transmissible disease caused by a virus. You must take precautions and avoid close contact with infected people, even though it is not fatal in most cases. It should be diagnosed as soon as possible and must be treated only as per the doctor’s advice.

FAQs on Monkeypox

What are some of the ways by which you can prevent monkeypox?

Some of the ways that help in the prevention of monkeypox are- 

  1. Wash or sanitise your hands at regular intervals and maintain good hygiene.

  2. Do not come in close contact with people who have been infected or are susceptible due to the rash on the body.

  3. Eat healthy and home-cooked food.

  4. Do not touch the rash of the infected person. 

  5. Avoid coming in contact with stray monkeys, rodents, and sick or dead animals. 

  6. Wear a mask that covers the mouth and nose.

How long do monkeypox symptoms last?

Monkeypox usually lasts for about 2-4 weeks.

What is the difference between monkeypox and chickenpox?

Monkeypox is caused by an Orthopoxvirus, whereas chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Both viruses can be transmitted by skin-to-skin contact or prolonged face-to-face contact. Although, chickenpox is more infectious and spreads more quickly than monkeypox. Swollen lymph nodes are more common in monkeypox patients than in chickenpox patients. While the chickenpox rash appears in waves, monkeypox lesions occur all at once. Chickenpox symptoms, including the rash, usually disappear within two weeks, but monkeypox symptoms take two to four weeks to resolve.

What is the difference between monkeypox and smallpox?

They are both caused by viruses that are similar yet different. Smallpox was eliminated (no longer a circulating disease) by 1980 due to excellent immunizations. Smallpox was far more infectious and spread faster than monkeypox. Monkeypox symptoms are less severe than smallpox symptoms.

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