Summer Diseases

Diseases causing infections in the summer season are collectively called summer diseases. The summer season typically lasts from March to June in India. The scorching heat of summer leads to many summer diseases including heat stroke, food poisoning, dehydration, sunburn, mumps, etc. If you stay hydrated and follow some appropriate measures, it will be easy to escape from these summer illnesses. No matter which region of India you stay in, summer diseases are inevitable. Here are the details of some of the common summer illnesses and a few tips to prevent them.

Overview on Common Diseases Caused in Summer

With summers here, mercury levels are on the rise. The rising heat is not only unbearable but also causes bodily harm and exposes us to several diseases. In India, the summer season typically lasts from March to June, with most regions experiencing the hottest weather in May.

The scorching heat is also responsible for many summer diseases, especially when appropriate measures are not taken. In this section, we have listed down some common summer illnesses and ailments along with some healthy tips to follow during the season.

 Common Illnesses and Diseases in Summer

No matter which region of India you stay in, summer diseases are inevitable. Some of the most common diseases in the summer season include:

Summer Disease


Heat Stroke

  • Hyperthermia, commonly known as heat stroke, is the most common summer disease. It usually happens when you are exposed to high temperatures for a longer duration.

  • When you suffer from a heat stroke, you are bound to experience headaches, dizziness, and weakness. These can further lead to unconsciousness or organ failure and be fatal in extreme cases.

  • Hence, it is highly recommended to keep your body hydrated during the summer season to avoid getting a heat stroke.

Food Poisoning

  • Food poisoning is another summer disease caused due to the consumption of contaminated food items. The warm weather acts as a favourable environment for bacteria to grow on food, leading to contamination.

  • When you consume this contaminated food or water, the bacteria enters the body, causing stomach pain, nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting.

  • Some apparent reasons for food poisoning include eating raw meat or food from unhygienic places, drinking contaminated water, etc.


  • Dehydration is another common health issue that most people in India suffer from during the summer season. It is caused when the water consumed by a person does not meet their bodily requirement.

  • The summer heat can lead to the loss of water and salt from the body in the form of sweat. In order to continue with normal bodily functions, it is imperative to compensate for the incurred loss by staying hydrated.


  • Prolonged sun exposure can be harmful. The UV rays from the sun can penetrate the skin and cause several issues.

  • Also, people with lower melanin content in their bodies are prone to severe skin infections, such as melanoma.

  • Moreover, being exposed to the sun for long can cause skin irritation, dryness, and cracking. If not addressed quickly, the person can experience blisters and skin peeling.

  • Sunburns can also lead to cold, chills, nausea, vomiting, fever, and other flu-like symptoms in the summer.

  • One of the best ways to prevent sunburn is with sunscreen lotions that have SPF-30 or higher.


  • Another common sickness in summer is mumps. Mumps is a contagious viral infection and mainly occurs in children.

  • It can be transmitted from the infected person through sneezing or coughing.

  • The disease is said to damage the parotid gland in front of the ears, causing pain, swelling, and fever.


  • Common in summer, it’s a highly contagious respiratory infection.

  • Initial symptoms of the disease are like summer flu. However, they can progress into a measles rash, high fever, cough, and tiny white spots inside the mouth.

  • The rash is evident around the hairline and face in most people.


  • Chickenpox starts with small, red rashes and a high fever. The rash then turns into blisters with crust, leaving marks on the skin.

  • People with weak immune systems and underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, HIV, etc., are at risk of contracting chickenpox.


  • Jaundice is mainly caused due to the consumption of contaminated food or water.

  • If it is not treated on time, jaundice can affect your liver functions. Some apparent symptoms of jaundice are yellowing (skin discolouration), light-coloured stools, dark urine, itchy skin, etc.


  • Another common summer sickness is typhoid. It can spread via contaminated food or water.

  • Some symptoms of typhoid include weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal pain, high fever, etc.

Heat Rashes

  • Heat rashes are red and usually occur in areas covered with clothing. Common in children, heat rashes are caused due to hot and humid weather conditions.

  • The infection often causes distress and itchiness.

Waterborne Diseases

  • Some of the common waterborne diseases that are common in summers are diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery.

The primary reason why most people suffer from diseases in the summers is due to the favourable weather conditions for bacteria, parasites, and viruses to breed and proliferate. However, a few tips can help you avoid these summer illnesses and infections.

7 Easy and Effective Tips to Stay Healthy During Summers

Here are a few quick tips that you can follow to avoid suffering from the wrath of diseases in the summer season:

1. Stay Hydrated:

We cannot emphasise enough on the importance of staying hydrated during summers. Consume plenty of water and fluids such as coconut water, buttermilk, and lemon water, whether you are at home or travelling. Ensure that you are drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water daily.

2. Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes:

It is advisable to wear loose and light-coloured cotton clothes during summer. This is because dark colours tend to absorb more heat and tight clothing does not allow your skin to breathe.

3. Take Plenty of Rest:

If you travel for work, it is advisable to seek shade from the hot sun and rest often.

4. Use Ice Packs and Sunscreen:

Ice packs are quick pain relievers when suffering from a heat stroke. Besides, avoid sunburn and skin damage by using an SPF-based sunscreen or body lotion.

5. Maintain Good Personal Hygiene:

As we learnt earlier, bacteria and viruses breed during the summers. To avoid contracting diseases caused by these infectious parasites, it is best to maintain good personal hygiene. Wash your hands with mild soap and water multiple times throughout the day, especially before cooking or consuming food. Also, avoid eating uncooked or raw food items. Do not consume local tap water as it can lead to water-borne diseases.

6. Vaccinate:

Get vaccinated for measles and mumps in case you or your children are not immunised.

7. Wear Protective Gear:

If sun exposure is inevitable, wear a cap and sunglasses to keep your skin safe.

Bottom Line

The summer season does not necessarily have to be gloomy. It is a beautiful time to go on vacations with friends and family. Remember to follow the correct preventive measures to enjoy the season and avoid its wrath. Another good preventive action is to buy a health insurance policy to ensure you are adequately protected against illnesses and diseases no matter what the season. You must note that while a healthy lifestyle is great for your health, it is equally important to have a health insurance policy that secures your finances during medical emergencies. So, if you are looking for a good health insurance policy for yourself and your family, we are here to help you. Explore the health insurance plans available at Bajaj Markets that come with various benefits and add-on features.

FAQs on Summer Diseases

Can summer cause headaches?

 In summers, dehydration can cause headaches. Ensure that you are drinking at least 10-12 glasses of water daily to avoid dehydration.

What are the most common summer diseases?

Some of the most common summer diseases are summer skin infections, dehydration, heat stroke, mumps, chickenpox, etc.

What are the symptoms of jaundice?

The most common visible symptoms of jaundice include discolouration of the skin (yellow), light-coloured stools, dark urine, itchy skin, etc.

Is there a vaccine to prevent mumps?

Doctors recommend the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine for the prevention of mumps.

What are the symptoms of chickenpox?

The most common symptoms of chickenpox are blisters, scabs, itchy skin, high-grade fever that lasts for 2 weeks or more, headache, and loss of appetite.

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