The calculation of the EMI amount using an EMI calculator is a much more convenient and easy way to calculate the amount.
Being an online tool, it is fast and gives results at your fingertips in seconds.
No manual method could beat the accuracy of calculators. Its accuracy is on point and is trusted by most of our users.
Reference of all T&C necessarily refers to the terms of the Partners as regards to pre-approved offers and loan processing time amongst other conditions.
You can either use the online calculator or the manual formula to calculate the loan amount.
Yes, the loan tenure will directly affect the EMI amount of the business loan.
The minimum loan amount that can be availed from AYE Finance is ₹50,000 while the maximum amount is ₹25,00,000. A strong CIBIL score can improve your chances of securing a higher loan amount.
The benefits include quick disbursal, zero hidden charges, flexible tenure etc.
No, you do not require a guarantor to avail of a loan from AYE Finance.